
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 自动化 >


时间:2024-07-25 22:04来源:95976




Abstract:In recent years, with the implementation of the national marine strategy, ship and sea technology and other fields have developed by leaps and bounds in the choice of marine power supply, high power load, marine frequency converter widely used non-linear power electronic devices, resulting in a large number of Harmonic pollution, has been unable to maintain the normal power supply of the ship's power grid. Therefore, how to solve this harmonic pollution, has become the primary goal of today's power system development. The parallel type active power filter has the characteristics of fast response and easy control in performance, has good filtering effect on the harmonics, and has an indispensable role in optimizing the power quality. This paper mainly introduces three-phase three-wire parallel active power filter, from the following aspects of the analysis:

This paper first introduces the basic concept of harmonics and the causes of the ship power system and the serious harm to the system, a certain Elaborated. Secondly, the correlation principle based on d-q transform is studied, and the Butterworth filter is used in this fundamental and harmonic separation. In this paper, we study the hysteresis comparison method, establish the mathematical model of the main circuit of the filter, and carry out the related operation on the selection of the parameters. In this paper, we study the main circuit model of the three-phase three-wire system. According to the instantaneous current tracking control principle, estimate the value of the load side of the inductor. In the DC side of the voltage regulator design, the use of PI regulator, closed-loop control based on simulation and modeling, design of the relevant parameters of the regulator. Finally, the simulation of the parallel active power filter in the power system module of Matlab / simulink is carried out to verify the function of each module. The simulation results show that the scheme can suppress the harmonics well.

Keywords: harmonic suppression; active power filter; harmonic detection; hysteresis control; simulink simulation


第一章 绪论 1

1.1谐波研究背景和现状 船舶电力系统谐波抑制并联型有源电力滤波器设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_204384.html
