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时间:2024-07-27 10:40来源:96005




Abstract:The electro-hydraulic servo valve is the electro-hydraulic servo control system of  the core switching element and the power amplifying element, because of its fast response, high control precision, long life and other characteristics have been widely used in various industrial fields, its performance directly affects the accuracy of the whole control system, stability and reliability. Therefore, the electrical performance test hydraulic servo valve has become an indispensable project. Combining with the electromagnetic valve testing technology and virtual instrument technology, using graphical programming software LabVIEW, developed a set of virtual instrument based on electro-hydraulic servo valve test system .Firstly, the working principle and circuit principle of servo valve are introduced, then makes the test system functional requirements, including the information input, parameter setting, conventional valve experiment, dynamic experiment and single frequency curve of real-time display, and then introduces the selection of the test system of NI software and hardware, the hardware mainly described the data acquisition card, the software includes a graphical programming software LabVIEW and the data acquisition of NI-DAQmx, and then carries on the programming of the software, introduces the overall architecture of  the program and component of the architecture by cycles and the transmission cycle queue technology with data flow between the ring. Introduces the specific function of each cycle. At the end of the program. In order to achieve the test system requirements.

Key words: electro-hydraulic servo valve; LabVIEW; virtual instrument technology; data acquisition;


第一章绪论 1

1.1课题研究的目的和意义 1

1.2电液伺服阀测试系统国内外研究现状和存在的问题 1

1.3虚拟仪器技术的概述 2

1.4本文的主要研究内容 3

第二章测试系统的功能原理 4

2.1伺服阀电气原理 4

2.2测试系统工作原理 4

2.3测试系统的功能要求 5

2.3.1实验信息的录入要求 5

2.3.2常规阀实验要求 7

2.3.3单动实验要求 7

2.3.4实时曲线显示要求 电磁阀LabVIEW测试程序设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_204393.html
