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时间:2024-07-27 10:47来源:96006




Abstract:With the development of control technology, the development of fuzzy control technology is more and more advanced. Fuzzy control technology is a new intelligent technology with good development foreground. It uses fuzzy mathematics theory to simulate people's judgment and thinking mode, and then to select the quality of the product in the process of production, convenient and quick. Therefore, the development of fuzzy control technology provides a broad space for the development of modern control technology. Moreover,compared with the general control mode, fuzzy control has great advantages.  Now it is used more and more widely in the industrial production process.

In this thesis, mainly introduces the basic concept of fuzzy control, the design of fuzzy controller and fuzzy controller based on how to join the Simulink simulation module of fuzzy control system for DC motor in MATLAB. In the design process of fuzzy controller, fuzzy decision and fuzzy inference according to the actual situation of DC motor speed control, generating fuzzy control rules, and then use these rules to realize the modeling and Simulation of DC motor fuzzy control system. Finally, the simulation results of the DC motor fuzzy control system are analyzed and summarized.

Key words: MATLAB; SIMULINK; fuzzy control; DC motor; motor speed control


第一章绪论 1

1.1研究的目的和意义 1

1.2发展历程和国内外发展状况 1

1.2.1直流调速系统的发展历程 1

1.2.2国内外的发展现状 2

1.3各章节研究的主要内容 3

第二章直流电机 4

2.1直流电动机的基本概念 4

2.1.1 直流电动机的基本结构 4

2.1.2直流电动机的工作原理 5

2.2直流电动机的运行特性 6

2.3直流电动机的启制动以及调速 8

2.3.1直流电动机的启动 8

2.3.2直流电动机的调速 9

2.3.3直流电动机的制动 9

第三章 直流调速系统 11

3.1直流调速系统的概述 11

3.1.1直流电动机的调速方法 基于MATLAB的直流电机模糊控制系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_204395.html
