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时间:2017-01-10 13:17来源:毕业论文

Single Inverter – double Motor System Based on Direct Torque Control
Abstract: Along with the progress of the society, the development of industry, the demand for all kinds of mechanical properties and the quality of the products gradually improve, control of the motor requirements also more and more persified. In some occasions the need to control two or more than one motor, in order to make it run better coordinate in order to achieve expected purpose, to study and put forward a new control method of single inverter pulling the two motor DTC control system. System is unique in that the same system of the two motors can be different working parameters of the motor, the motor can also be in different working condition. In order to study the feasibility of the system, not only on the theoretical derivation of system feasibility verification, and simulation with PSIM simulation software platform, through the observation of each parameters and the waveform, proved that the direct torque control inverter feasibility of double motor drive.
Key words: direct torque control; induction motor; Single inverter;PSIM
1 绪论    1
1.1 电机传动技术的发展    1
1.1.1 交流电机与直流电机的比较    1
1.2 交流调速的发展    2
1.2.1电力电子技术的蓬勃发展    2
1.2.2 传动技术中微机控制的发展    3
1.2.3 直接转矩的产生    3
1.2.4 直接转矩的发展前景    5
1.3 研究意义    7
1.4论文主要内容    8
2 直接转矩控制系统原理    9
2.1 交流异步电动机的数学模型    9
2.1.1 坐标变换    10
2.1.2 动态数学模型    10
2.2 直接转矩控制    11
2.2.1 直接转矩控制系统的特点    11
2.2.2 直接转矩控制系统存在的问题    12
2.3 本章小结    12
3 单逆变器拖双电机系统    13
3.1 单逆变器拖双电机系统控制方法    13
3.1.1 单逆变器拖多台异步电机的动态数学模型    13
3.1.2 DTC单逆变器拖动双电机的动态数学模型    15
3.2 矢量控制的单逆变器拖双电机的动态数学模型与直接转矩控制模型的对比    16
3.3 DTC单逆变器拖双电机系统控制方法    18
3.4 转矩与磁链位置检测    18
3.5 本章小结    19
4 单逆变器拖双电机直接转矩系统仿真    20
4.1 PSIM仿真软件简介    20
4.2 单逆变器拖双电机的DTC控制系统仿真    20
4.3 仿真系统结构    21
4.3.1 转矩给定模块    21
4.3.2 状态观测模块    21
4.3.3 平均算法模块    22 单逆变器拖双电机的DTC控制+PSIM仿真:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_2116.html