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时间:2017-03-12 16:38来源:毕业论文

关键词  模糊控制  加热炉控制系统  模糊控制算法   模糊控制器   计算机仿真
Title    A design and simulation of fuzzy control    algorithms on temperature                                            
The method of fuzzy control using fuzzy mathematics is the basic control method and the basic theory. Doing not need the mathematical model of controlled object, it can achieve better control. So it specially uses for nonlinear uncertain complex system with delay, large inertia, a large of drift parameter, which has great advantages in robustness and anti-jamming capability. This design, which constitutes the intelligent fuzzy control system, introduces the fuzzy control algorithms into the furnace control system. So it will be able to achieve better control on temperature. The key step is designing the fuzzy controller, reasoning based on fuzzy control rules, and decision-making the output fuzzy variable. Finally, simulate the result in the MATLAB environment with computer, draw the temperature response curve and control heating power curve.
Keywords  Fuzzy control, Furnace control systems, fuzzy control algorithms, fuzzy controller, computer simulation         
目   次

1  引言 1
2  模糊数学及模糊控制理论的基础知识 2
2.1模糊数学基础概念 2
2.2    模糊控制理论及其基本方法 5
3  加热炉炉温的模糊控制器设计 15
3.1 设计任务 15
3.2设计模糊控制器的基本方法和步骤 15
3.3加热炉的模糊控制器结构及控制规则的设计 17
4  用MATLAB进行仿真 18
4.1在MATLAB中设计模糊控制器 18
4.2在MATLAB中进行仿真 19
4.3对仿真结果总结 23
结论  24
致谢  25
参考文献  26
附录A  离散控制表  28
1    引言
模糊控制器,根据被控对象的实际响应,通过模糊规则进行推理和决策,以实现对其优化控制。因此有效地提高控制精度不仅能保证热处理的质量,而且能大大降低能耗。模糊控制可以不需被控对象的数学模型即可实现较好的控制,因而特别适用于那些具有纯滞后、大惯性、参数漂移大的非线性不确定复杂系统,在鲁棒性和抗干扰能力方面有很大的优势。 MATLAB加热炉温度的模糊控制算法设计与仿真:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_4075.html