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时间:2020-05-24 10:49来源:毕业论文




   This paper describes the use of the Mitsubishi FX2N Series PLC to the overall design of cable tray profile control system.Control requirements and characteristics for the welder,its hardware and software design and development, selection of various components; I / O ports and hardware circuits under the control object and the requirements of design and build a PLC wiring diagram software sequential function chart, step ladder, and the corresponding the instruction sheet.At the same time, the use of the touch screen special welding control system, the visual design and monitoring, the monitoring of the control object of special welding start and stop, motor reversing, gun regulation, and by monitoring the action in the form of intuitive render.Finally, the touch screen and Kingview and PLC-line debugging some of its control functions.This special welding machine has rational structure,uses PLC for automatic control,reduces labor intensity,and improves work efficiency and welding quality of workpiece. 

Keyword:Cable tray;Welder;Control system

目  录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题概述 1

1.2 电缆桥架型材发展现状 1

1.3 触摸屏控制、组态模拟简介 2

1.4 课题研究的目的及意义 3

1.5 课题研究额内容 4

第二章 机械及控制系统方案设计 5

2.1 机械方案总体设计 5

2.1.1 动作控制及分析 5

2.1.2 机械动作操作方式选择 6

2.1.3 电缆桥架型材专用焊机机械结构设计 6

2.1.4 电缆桥架型材专用焊机设计说明 7

2.2 控制系统总体方案设计 7

2.2.1 相关控制系统比较 7

2.2.2 常用PLC控制系统简介 8

2.2.3 控制系统原理 9

2.2.4 硬件接线原理及图纸 10

2.3 各类硬件设备及数据线选型 12

2.3.1 主控部分选型 12

2.3.2 驱动部分选型 12

2.3.3 操作系统部分选型 14

2.3.4 辅助控制部分选型 14

2.3.5 各部分专用数据线选用 15

第三章 软件设计 16

3.1 触摸屏软件设计 PLC电缆桥架专用焊接设备控制系统设计+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_52588.html
