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时间:2021-04-10 19:41来源:毕业论文

论文首先征对同步发电机并网的条件做了理论方面的分析,给出了不同并网条件下的滑差电压波形。然后利用MATLAB搭建了一个单机-无穷大的仿真模型,给出了同步发电机并网过程中如果存在频差或电压差时的定子电流、转速、励磁电压等波形,通过波形分析了频差、压差大小对并列的影响。 作者在课题设计过程中,具有一定的分析和解决问题的能力,独立性较强。设计方案比较合理,研究结果正确。 设计说明书格式比较规范,较好地完成了设计任务。 同意论文提交答辩。65208



毕业论文关键词  MATLAB/Simulink   同步发电机 准同期并网


Title   Simulation and Analysis of Synchronous Generators Parallel                   


For parallel in is the primary link for generator to be brought into operation, either success or failure of parallel in will have great influence on system reliability and security. The generator parallel need to meet the requirements of quasi-synchronization condition, fast, accurate, rapidity can reduce the no-load loss, accuracy can guarantee the safety. In order to ensure that High-voltage generator can be paralleled in the grid safely, efficiently, and stably, the variation rule of transient parallel in process need be paid greatly attention and researched on. Now, except a few small power plants that have still use the method of parallel connection by hand.the most use one by the special instrument——the Quasi Corresponding-period equipment.With the rapid development of computer industry and digital technique, developing and applying the intellective instrument that can realize automatic parallel

connection of the generator,has become all important task in the technical revolution and automatic innovation of power plants.

Firstly, parallel in conditions of synchronous generators are studied in the paper, whose influence on the slippery difference voltage are analyzed. Second, MATLAB/Simulink is used as simulation analysis tool for studying the dynamic behavior of generator parallel in according to the equivalent circuit, and the difference can be obviously shown in the oscillogram.

Keywords  MATLAB/Simulink synchronous generator  Quasi-synchronization

目   次

1  绪论  1

1.1  课题背景及研究意义 1

1.1.1  课题背景1

1.1.2  研究意义2

1.2  并网问题的研究现状3

1.3  本文主要工作3

2  同步发电机并网条件分析 5

2.1  并网的理想条件  5

2.2  频率差对滑差的影响 6

2.3  电压差对滑差的影响 8 MATLAB同步发电机的并网过程仿真分析:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_72727.html
