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时间:2021-11-02 21:06来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  闪变仪  双线性变换  短时间闪变水平值   校正增益


Title    The Research on the On-line Detection of Voltage Flicker                     

Abstract At present electrical equipment is more precise and complex, which is much stricter in the requirements of power quality。 Therefore people become more concerned about power quality。 However, more and more high-power volatile loads cause the voltage fluctuation。 Flicker is one of important indicators for the severity of voltage fluctuation。 According to the function and design specification of the IEC flicker meter, Matlab is used to build the simulation model of IEC flicker meter。 Then the simulative transfer function is transformed into the digital one by the method of bilinear transformation。 Short term flicker severity is calculated by the statistical sorting method。 And the updating gain is introduced to reduce the error。 And a series of new inspection is tested on the basis of IEC 61000-4-15:2010。 The simulation results show that the designed flicker meter can meet the precision requirement of IEC。

Keywords  Flicker meter  Bilinear transformation  Short term flicker severity   Updating gain

目   次

1  引言 1

1。1  电压波动与闪变的基本概念 1

1。2  电压波动与闪变的危害 2

1。3  本文的主要工作 2

2  闪变的测量原理 4

2。1  IEC闪变仪的原理 4

2。2  平方检测 5

2。3  短时间闪变值Pst的计算 6

2。4  数字与模拟系统的比较 7

2。5  本章小结 7

3  实验的仿真与验证 8

3。1  Matlab软件简介 8

3。2  模拟式 IEC 闪变仪的仿真 8

3。3  数字式 IEC 闪变仪的仿真 11

3。4  本章小结 15

4  闪变仪的测试 16

4。1  2010年版IEC新标准 16

4。2  矩形电压的波动性测试 16

4。3  频率与电压幅值同时变动的测试 17

4。4  多次过零的失真电压的测试 18

4。5  边带谐波的测试 Matlab电压闪变在线检测方法的研究:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_84063.html
