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时间:2022-04-23 16:50来源:毕业论文




毕业论文关键词:  MSP430  模数转换  DS18B20  串行通信


Title    Data Acquisition System Based on Internet of Things Driving design of data acquisition                                           

Abstract Internet of things technology as the third change in the information age, through the information sensing equipment, in accordance with a certain agreement, will be linked to the。 The data acquisition system is to collect the analog signals of the sensing device into digital signals, and then analyze and deal with the data。。Temperature parameter plays an important role in industry, agriculture and other fields。 In this paper, we design a data acquisition system based on temperature。

  The system chooses MSP430F5438 as the microprocessor, through the DS18B20 temperature sensor for real-time monitoring of temperature, and then through the RS-485 interface to monitor the system。 This paper briefly introduces the framework of the whole system and each module function, this paper is ADC driver design, and temperature sensor DS18B20 driven design, the serial communication driver design, complete the system linkage。

The temperature data acquisition system based on Internet of things has many advantages, such as high precision, low cost, small size, strong anti-interference ability, low power consumption and so on。

Keywords  MSP430 analog to digital conversion DS18B20 serial communication

目   次

1  绪论 1

1。1  研究背景及意义 1

1。2  本课题主要研究内容 3

1。3  本文内容布局 3

1。4  本章小结 4

2  系统总体方案设计 5

2。1  系统设计方案选择 5

2。2  系统总体方案 5

2。3  模块功能概述 6

2。4  本章小结 6

3  硬件部分 7

3。1  主板模块 7

3。2  ADC模数转换模块 9

3。3  温度传感器 12

3。4  串行通信模块 16

3。5  本章小结 17

软件设计 18

4。1  ADC程序驱动 MSP430单片机物联网的数据采集系统数据采集驱动设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_93046.html
