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时间:2022-04-24 20:23来源:毕业论文

摘要在可持续发展的大环境下,新能源汽车正以强劲的势头发展,正逐步成 长为可与传统汽车行业抗衡的新兴产业。其中,增程式电动汽车凭借其特殊 的优势,被认为是现阶段汽车产业战略方向转变进程中的最优过渡车型,也 成为目前研究的热点。本文主要搭建并研究混合励磁増程器的动态模型,将 其简化为发动机平均值模型和混合励磁发电机模型,根据其数学模型,利用 MATLAB/Simulink 对被控对象増程器建模,并通过仿真分析其工作特性随转 速、功率等的变化规律,以优化参数,使得増程器在实际应用中有更好的燃 油消耗率和发电效率。80215

毕业论文关键词 増程器 平均值模型 混合励磁电机 建模仿真

Title Modeling and Simulation of a Hybrid Excitation Extended Range Electric Vehicle Abstract


In the environment of sustainable development, new energy vehicles is developing in a strong momentum, and it is gradually growing to be a emerging industries which can compete with the traditional automotive industry。Among them, the extended range electric vehicles, with its special advantages, is considered to be the optimal transition models in the transformation process of the auto industry's strategic direction at this stage, and has become a hot topic at present。This paper mainly build and research a dynamic model of a hybrid excitation Range extender, and simplify it to a mean value model of engine and a hybrid excited generator model, according to the mathematical model, using MATLAB / Simulink to build the dynamic model of the Range extender as the charged object ,analyze the working characteristics change laws with speed, power through simulation to optimize parameters, making the Range extender has better fuel consumption rate and efficiency in practical applications。



Keywords The range extender Mean value model Hybrid excitation motor Modeling and simulation

1 绪论 1

1。1 研究背景及意义 1

1。2 增程式电动汽车概述 2

1。3 增程式电动汽车的研究现状 3

1。4 本文的研究内容 5

1。5 本章小结 6

2 发动机建模 7

2。1 发动机建模理论 7

2。2 进气歧管空气子模型 8

2。3 油膜蒸发动力学子模型 14

2。4 动力输出子模型 19

2。5 总的发动机模型 23

2。6 本章小结 26

3 混合励磁电机建模 27
