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时间:2022-04-28 22:23来源:毕业论文







(4)建立VSC-HVDC的仿真模型,利用Matlab/Simulink进行仿真、调试, 对相关PID参数进行优化修改,分析仿真结果。


ABSTRACT With the continuous development of society and the economy, the quality of human demand for energy rising, so that coal, oil and a series of non-renewable fossil energy consumption dramatically, the natural environment of human existence has been destroyed, because of the rapid expansion of development and the use of fossil fuels, causing energy crisis, hindering the construction of ecological civilization, is not conducive to harmony between mankind and nature。 Development and utilization of renewable energy sources has become urgent needs, wind energy is a green energy, because of its characteristics of high power generation efficiency, suitable for large-scale development and utilization, and take up less land area, it has become the focus of China's energy development。

Related to offshore wind power is an important topic of discussion is the transmission systems, offshore wind farms can use AC or DC technology, select depending on the transmission system between these technologies is connected to the transmission distance and the capacity of the main power grid。 Must pay attention to the presence of intermittent wind power issues will have an impact on the quality of grid power。 If the exchange of technical way, the system will be restricted stability, such as the power angle, frequency stability, and will have many other issues。 However, if a VSC-based HVDC (using the voltage source converter technology, flexible HVDC) grid control technology without considering the stability problem。

In this paper, based on HVDC offshore wind power grid control system is analyzed and studied。 By the voltage source converter technology HVDC flexible HVDC technology is a new technology, a controlled shut-off devices (eg IGBT) and PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) technology。 The main contents include the following:

(1)Describes the status of offshore wind power development, and offshore wind turbines are compared; HVDC海上风电并网控制系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_93233.html
