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时间:2022-06-08 23:07来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 高铁列车;制动系统;电空制动

The simulation of electric pneumatic braking system of 500km/h-speed High-Speed Rail

Abstract:With the speed-up of urbanization process in China, rural population is shrinking sharply, which comes along with the continuous increasing in the permanent residents and floating population in urban areas, this brings both unprecedented challenges and golden opportunities for the transportation of major cities in China。 Compared to transitional ground transportations, High-Speed Rail (HSR) has advantages of punctuality, convenient, fast, energy efficiency and environmentally friendly, which makes it a more and more important means of transportation in a short period of time。 Nowadays the HSR is all over the country, it connects over 500 cities in China and has already become preferred means of travel for most Chinese。 As the most vital part for HSR, the brake performance is closely related to the safety and capacity of the HSR。 Today's HSR is already in a new era of electric pneumatic braking, and some foreign technologies in this field are ahead of those in China, the KNORR in Germany and NABCO, for example, are two major players in the international market。 Chinese scientists started studying in this field by importing technologies from Germany and Japan in the first place, and gradually we started our own independent research and development in recent years。

Key Words:High-Speed Rail(HSR); braking system; electric pneumatic braking


1 绪论 1

1。1 课题的研究背景 1

1。2 课题的研究意义 1

1。3 本文的主要工作 2

2 国内外制动系统的研究和发展水平 3

2。1 国内制动系统的研究和发展水平 3

2。2 国外制动系统的发展水平 4

2。2。1 数字式电空制动装置 4

2。2。2 模拟式电空制动装置 4

2。2。3 微机控制式电空制动装置 4

2。3 本章小结 5

3 制动系统的硬件构成 5

3。1 制动指令的产生和传输 6

3。2 制动控制装置 6

3。2。1 电空转换阀 7

3。2。2 中继阀 10

3。2。3 调压阀 11

3。2。4 紧急电磁阀 12

3。2。5 制动控制器 13

3。3 制动执行装置 500公里时速高铁列车电空制动系统模拟:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_95145.html
