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时间:2022-08-03 23:00来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  模拟沙盘  PIC单片机  列车模型控制  驱动电路


Title    Train Sandtable Drivecircuit Design                     


Abstract Now increasingly development of railway enterprise, train operation safety become urban rail transit priority。Traditional train model is realized by using programmable logic controller or industrial PC control system is the high cost and poor generality, and the train model building of urban rail transit network operation safety analog simulation test platform of the train control system, realizes the urban rail train running simulation and automatic train control and so on, has the advantages of economy, safety, short test period。So the safe operation of urban rail transit, the author of this paper simulate sand table, put forward the distributed model of train control system developed by the PIC microcontroller drive circuit。

This paper first introduces the principle and framework of sand mold train drive system, and then focus on the computer interface board, feedback amplifier, signal decoder, interval, and the key to switch decoder hardware design, finally summarized the train model software design, the final test results show that the developed control system has the train positioning and control, light and switch control, emergency rescue, control and meet the demand of urban rail transit operation safety control of sand table simulation。

Keywords  Sandtable Simulation  PIC microcontroller  Trainmodel Control  Drivecircuit

目   次

1  绪论 1

1。1  背景与意义 1

1。2  国内外研究现状 1

1。3  本文研究内容 2

2  列车沙盘模驱动系统的原理 4

2。1  列车模型系统总体设计 4

2。2  DCC信号标准 5

2。3  列车整体控制 11

2。4  485通信 12

3  PCB板的搭建 15

3。1  电脑接口卡 15

3。2  功放 20

3。3  信号解码器 PIC单片机列车沙盘的驱动电路设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_97428.html
