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时间:2022-08-06 16:22来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  电力系统  110kV变电站  电气主接线   继电保护


Title     Design and Setting Calculation of Relay   Protection in a 110kV Substation                                                 

Abstract In the process of power system operation, there will be various faults or abnormal operation states, which needs to be configured reasonable relay protections to ensure the system operation safe and stable。 In this paper, for a specific substation, protection configuration is analyzed and the setting is calculated。 According to the given parameters of the substation, the characteristics of the main electrical wiring is analyzed and some useful parameters should be calculated。 Numbers of short-circuit points are selected for calculation。 On the basis of relay protection operating procedures, it is supposed to select necessary types of protections。 By defining these mentioned protection, and according to the principle of setting calculation, setting values are calculated and sensitivity is checked。 Automatic safety device is also analyzed in the paper。 Finally, MATLAB is used to achieve the function of the setting calculation 。The final results are given as well as the setting value comparison。

Keywords  Power System  110kV Substation  Main Electrical Wiring   Relay Protection

目 次

1 绪论 1

1。1 研究背景与意义 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 1

1。3 未来发展趋势 3

1。4 本文主要研究的内容 4

1。5 本章小结 5

2 变电站电气主接线及一次系统配置 7

2。1 电气主接线 7

2。2 一次系统配置及参数 8

2。3 等值阻抗计算 10

2。4 本章小结 12

3 短路计算 13

3。1 等效阻抗图及简化过程 13

3。2 短路计算 16

3。3 本章小结 21

4 保护的配置与整定 23

4。1 主变压器保护 23

4。2 线路保护 37

4。3 母线保护 42

4。4 安全自动装置 44

4。5 本章小结 45

5 MATLAB编程实现保护整定 47

5。1 设计思路和软件流程 MATLAB某110kV变电站继电保护设计与整定计算:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_97516.html
