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时间:2022-08-18 23:05来源:毕业论文





毕业论文关键词  阻燃剂包覆药  点火延迟  一维非稳态传热  实验研究  数值模拟


Title  Experimental study and numerical simulation  on ignition And combustion characteristics of   flame retardant coating                       

Abstract Flame retardant coating agent is a new type of propellant which can effectively improve the ignition and combustion characteristics of propellant and optimize the interior ballistic performance of the gun。From the powder particle structure, it consists of the flame retardant coating layer and the main charge composition, in which the inner layer is a conventional powder particles, the outer layer is a flame retardant coating。When ignition, the powder particles on the surface of the flame retardant agent coating layer to the propellant gas and powder particles to isolate, flame retardant coating layer by its physical and chemical reaction to delay the ignition of the main charge combustion, so as to achieve the purpose of optimization of interior ballistic performance。Due to ignition combustion unsteady effect and flame retardant coating layer structure, the ignition gas and flame retardant agent coated layer of heat transfer as one dimensional unsteady heat transfer process, the ignition gas and flame retardant agent coating from one-dimensional non steady heat transfer model as the core, flame retardant agent coated drug of the ignition and combustion characteristics of, the main work is as follows:

   (1)Based on the principle and method of controlling the combustion of propellant by flame retardant coating, the heat transfer and powder particle combustion model of the flame retardant coating was established。

   (2)The experimental device was designed and the experimental program was developed。 The ignition and combustion characteristics of the flame retardant were studied。 The ignition and combustion characteristics of the flame retardant coating were studied through the analysis of the experimental data。

   (3)Using numerical calculation method of propellant gas and flame retardant agent coating layer between heat transfer and powder particle combustion process was simulated, and the calculated results and experimental results were compared, analysis of the impact of flame retardant coated propellant gas release rate factors, to optimize the flame retardant coating of drugs designed to provide the basis。 阻燃剂包覆药点火燃烧特性试验研究及数值模拟:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_98027.html
