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时间:2022-08-21 11:31来源:毕业论文

摘要进入 21 世纪以后,交通技术不断革新,交通工具不断提速。同时随着经济的发 展,私人的交通工具每年都在大量增加,尤其是在我国,近几年的交通运输业得到 了极大的发展。交通技术的飞速发展给人们的生活带来了极大的便利,但同时也带 来极大的安全隐患,全球每年有数百万人死于交通事故,且呈现增长的趋势。这其 中,酒驾造成的交通事故占很大的部分比例。为了减少此类情况造成的交通事故, 设计一套酒驾自锁系统,一旦驾驶员饮酒,就禁止其开车,可从源头上减少事故的 发生。本文在分析了近几年的国内外的一些防酒驾系统后,从安全性和简洁性出发, 基于 STM32 系列单片机,结合 GSM 模块、酒精传感器模块、LCD 显示等模块进行 设计,设计了一套智能酒驾自锁系统。83352

该系统具有实时显示酒精浓度、自动检测、超阈值报警、可手动调节阈值、 和 GSM 通信等一系列功能。通过实物的演示,该系统可以在酒驾的发生之前,发出 报警,并且自锁使汽车不能点火。


Abstract After entering the twenty-first Century, the transportation technology is improving day by day, and the speed of transportation is increasing。 At the same time, with the development of economy, the number of private transportation is increasing every year。 Especially in our country, the transportation industry has been greatly developed in recent years。 The rapid development of transportation technology has brought great convenience to people's life, moreover, it also brings great security risks。Millions of people died in traffic accidents every year all around the world, and showed a growth trend。 Traffic accidents caused by drunk driving accounted for a large proportion of the proportion。 To this end, in order to reduce the traffic accident caused by such a situation, the design of a set of self locking system after drunk driving 。 Once the driver drinking, he will be prohibited to drive which can reduce the occurrence of accidents from the source。 This paper analyzed some drunk driving systems in recent years from home and abroad , considering with safety and simplicity , combined with GSM module, alcohol sensor module, LCD display module design, design a set of intelligent drunk driving self-locking system based on the STM32 microcomputer。

This system has a series of functions, such as automatic detection of alcohol concentration, alarming when over threshold , manual adjustment threshold, and GSM communication。 Through the demonstration of the real, the system can issue a warning, and self lock before the occurrence of drunk driving,so that the car can not be ignited。

Keywords:STM32;GSM;self-lock;drunk driving;sensor;


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 课题研究的背景 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 1

1。2。1 国外研究现状 1

1。2。2 国内研究现状 2

1。4 研究的内容 3

1。5 论文结构的安排 3

第二章 总体设计方案 4

2。1 设计思路 4

2。2 系统单片机的选型 4

2。2。1 单片机方案一:AT89C51 4

2。2。2  单片机方案二:STM32F103XX 系列 4

2。2。3 单片机方案选定 STM32单片机智能酒驾自锁系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_98223.html
