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时间:2022-09-28 22:44来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  制导炸弹  弹道方程建模  控制系统  导引律   弹道仿真


Title     Design and Simulation of longitudinal  autopilot for guided bomb               


Abstract This paper focuses on the guidance and control system of the guided bomb。With the appearance of the electronic computer, the research of guided bomb in the guidance and control system is a big step forward。For guided bombs, in theory, it is required to have stability and fast, in practical applications, it is also required to be operational and achievable。

The guided bomb can be pided into three loops, pitch loop and lateral loop and roll loop。In this paper, we mainly study the pitch plane of the guided bomb。First, the model of guided bomb must be set up。Through the movement of space objects can be regarded as the center of mass movement and rotation around the center of mass of this principle to realize。Secondly, a suitable control system is designed to ensure the stability of the guided bomb and the tracking of the instructions。Then, in accordance with the specific conditions, the guidance law is designed to determine the flight path of the guided bomb。In the end, the preparation of MATLAB full trajectory digital simulation program to verify the design content。

Keywords  Guided bomb    Ballistic equation modeling    Control system guidance law    Ballistic simulation

目   次

1  引言 2

1。1  选题的背景和意义 2

1。2 自动驾驶仪和导引律的发展 3

1。3 本文的主要工作和安排 4

2  制导炸弹模型的建立 4

2。1制导炸弹建模的依据和假设条件 4

2。2制导炸弹俯仰平面运动方程的建立 5

2。3制导炸弹俯仰平面参数的补充方程 6

2。4本章小结 7

3  控制系统的设计 7

3。1控制系统的作用 7

3。2俯仰回路自动驾驶仪结构图 7

3。3俯仰回路自动驾驶仪的设计 9

3。4本章小结 10

4  导引律的设计 10

4。1概述 10

4。2导引方式的选择 10

4。3 比例导引法数学模型的建立 MATLAB制导炸弹纵向自动驾驶仪的设计与仿真:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_99882.html
