毕业论文关键词 等离子体电解渗透 铝合金 表面改性
Title Study on electrolytic plasma carbonitriding of Aluminum alloy
Abstract Aluminium alloy, the research object of this paper, has much excellent performance, but has poorer wear resistance and lower hardness。 In this experiment, the layer of carbonitriding on the surface of aluminium alloy was produced by plasma electrolytic saturation technique。 By changing the pulse voltage, the frequency, the type of organic solution and the processing time, the experiment obtained the the samples under different processes。 The samples have been analyzed by X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscope(SEM),energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS),UMT multi function wear tester and micro hardness tester。 The results are as follows。 After the treatment, the microstructure of the coating is porous。 Besides, compared with the untreated samples’, it has higher hardness, better performance of friction and stronger wear resistance。 When the voltage was 300V, the frequency was 500Hz, the treatment time was 10min and the organic solution was the mixed solution of amide and urea, the friction coefficient came to 0。3 and the hardness reached 339。1HV0。1, which was the relative optimal technique。
Keywords plasma electrolytic saturation, aluminium alloy, surface modification
目 次
1 引言 1
1。1 铝合金1
1。2 等离子体电解及其在表面技术中的应用1
1。3 液相等离子体电解渗透技术1源-于,优Z尔%论^文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018~766
1。4 液相等离子体电解渗透层4
1。5 研究内容5
2 实验原理和方法6
2。1 实验材料与工艺6
2。2 相组成分析7
2。3 耐磨性测试7
2。4 形貌观察和成分分析8
2。5 显微硬度测试8
3 实验结果与讨论9
3。1 XRD物相分析9
3。2 形貌分析10
3。3 EDS能谱分析分析12
3。4 不同工艺参数对合金硬度的影响15
3。5 摩擦性能分析16
1。 引言
铝及其合金以其优良的特征,普遍地应用于航空、航天、工程、机器设备、桥梁、车辆、船舶、家庭器具、电子器件等各个领域。铝及其合金在我国国民经济中扮演着一个重要角色。在这样的环境下,铝及其合金的表面处理技术随着其应用范围的扩大以极快的速度发展,其表面处理技术也得以不断的进步与优化。From+优!尔.YouErw.com 加QQ75201`8766
1。1 铝合金