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时间:2016-11-24 19:49来源:毕业论文

摘 要:薄板坯连铸连轧是20世纪80年代末、90年代初开发成功的生产热轧板卷的一项短流程工艺,是继氧气转炉炼钢、连续铸钢之后钢铁工业最重要的革命性技术之一。
本设计选用的是CSP工艺,车间主要布置为: CSP连铸→辊底式均热炉→高压水除鳞→7架CVCplus连轧机→层流冷却→卷取。
关键字: 薄板坯连铸连轧;CSP;七机架精轧机组; 压下规程程3801
The Design of a Thin-Slab Casting with an Annual Output of 1 Million tons
Abstract:CSP is the successful development of the production of hot rolled coil in a shortened process.the oxygen converter steelmaking, continuous casting steel industry after the most important revolutionary technology in the late 1980s and early 1990s. One of the foreign steel major powers has invested a great deal of manpower and resources to the special study.
CSP¬--science, technology and engineering in one, hot rolled coil production in a short line to complete the process, fully demonstrated it’s advanced scientific.
All countries in the world have given a great deal of concern, making CSP technology a rapid progress in recent years.
Compared with the traditional production process, the CSP process can be short-saving investment, to become useful raise rates and reduce production costs and significantly reduce the production cycle, and so on.
The design for an annual output of 1 million tons of CSP hot-rolled strip steel production workshop designed paper describes the CSP in the type of technology, market analysis and technology features, and typical of a variety of music comparison. Reference to Magang CSP, the technical characteristics and production practice, raised the overall configuration of the workshop programe.the main design of auxiliary equipment and its production capacity, the plant layout and lifting the transport, mainly economic and technical indicators, environmental protection and the use of AutoCAD Drawing Workshop Layout plans.
The CSP is the choice of design process, layout for the main workshop: CSP Casting → Roller-both high-pressure hot water heaters → Descaling → 7-CVCplus rolling mill → laminar cooling → coiling.
Keywords: thin slab continuous casting and continuous rolling;CSP; seven framework finishing mill group ;depress detective rules program designing
目  录
1 绪论    1
1.1 薄板连铸连轧技术概况    1
1.1.1薄板连铸连轧工艺与传统工艺的比较    1
1.1.2我国薄板连铸连轧生产的技术特点    4
1.1.3我国薄板连铸连轧技术现在阶段存在的主要问题    5
1.1.4国外的薄板连铸连轧技术    6
1.2薄板连铸连轧技术的发展    8
1.2.1薄板坯连铸连轧技术的新发展    8
1.2.2薄板坯连铸连轧技术的发展趋势    8 年产量100万吨薄板连铸连轧车间工艺设计+CAD图纸+流程图:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_256.html