毕业论文关键词:高氮钢 双丝PMIG 焊接参数 力学性能试验 微观组织 氮含量
Title High nitrogen steel double wire PMIG welding process researching of rich nitrogen by robot
In this paper, facing to 16mm thick high nitrogen steel, using double wire PMIG welding process, docking welding process was studied. And the appearance of the welds obtained X-ray inspection testing, And further tests on the mechanical properties of joints, microstructure analysis and nitrogen content analysis
The results show that for the comparatively good welds joints, the positive seam, the assist wire welding current is 251A, the welding voltage is 25.5V, the master wire welding current is 277A, the welding voltage is 26.8V, the welding speed is 0.36m/min, when the frequency is 50HZ.The back seam, the assist wire welding current is 264A, welding voltage is 6.1V, the master wire welding current is 287A, welding voltage is 27.3V welding speed is 0.36m/min, frequency is 50HZ; X-ray detection weld quality achieves to level II. Welded joints obtained by the average impact energy of 135J, slightly lower than the base material, meet the requirements. By microstructure analysis, weld and heat affected zone has undergone significant changes, in order to avoid the generation of welding defects, various welding parameters must be strictly controled.
Keywords: high nitrogen steel double wire PMIG mechanical testing microstructure nitrogen content
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.2 高氮钢焊接技术难点 2
1.3 国内外有关高氮钢焊接过程氮行为的研究 2
1.4 双丝PMIG焊的优点 5
1.5 双丝焊的研究及其应用 5
1.6 其他高氮钢焊接方法 5
1.7 本课题研究内容 7
2 实验设备和实验材料 8
2.1 实验设备 8
2.2 试验材料 8
3 焊接过程 10
3.1 焊接工艺制定 10
3.2 焊前处理 11
3.3 施焊与焊后检测 11
3.4 本章小结 17
4 焊接力学性能试验和微观组织观察与分析 高氮钢机器人富氮双丝PMIG焊接工艺试验研究:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_76638.html