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时间:2021-11-20 17:28来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着现代经济化时代的来临及极速的发展,我国的工业目标是要走出一条高科技、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染小、人力资源得到充分利用和发挥的新型道路。在大环境的促进下,各种新材料的快速发展,水性聚氨酯用水来当作分散介质,具有安全、无毒、不然、低成本、无环境污染作为一种〝水性万能胶 "的普适性胶粘材料在制造业得到广泛的使用。目前大部分的水性聚氨酯分散体是线性的热塑性聚氨酯,但因为亲水基团的引进,水性聚氨酯的一些性能发生了变化,如低固含量、耐水性、耐溶剂性。近些年来,对水性聚氨酯的改性成为了很多研究者的热点课题。本研究主要是对聚氨酯的合成随后对水性聚氨酯进行了复合改性,研究了复合改性对水性聚氨酯胶膜表面的吸水性、表面强度、力学性能、耐热性能、酸性的影响和胶条的拉伸强度。74618


Synthesis and Modification of Polyurethane

Abstract :With the advent of modern economic times and the rapid development of China's industrial goal is to get out of a high-tech, good economic returns, low resource consumption, environmental pollution, human resources are fully utilized and play a new road。 In the promotion of the environment, the rapid development of new materials, waterborne polyurethane water as a dispersion medium, with a safe, non-toxic, or low cost, no environmental pollution as a "water-based universal glue" universal Adhesive materials are widely used in the manufacturing industry。 At present, most of the waterborne polyurethane dispersions are linear thermoplastic polyurethanes。 However, due to the introduction of hydrophilic groups, some properties of waterborne polyurethanes have changed, such as low solids, water resistance and solvent resistance。 In recent years, the modification of waterborne polyurethane has become a hot topic for many researchers。 In this study, the synthesis of polyurethane was carried out, and then the water-based polyurethane was modified。 The effects of compound modification on the water absorption, surface strength, mechanical properties, heat resistance and acidity of the water-borne polyurethane film were studied。 Tensile Strength。

Key Words:Watery,Water resistance,Environmental protection,synthesis,modified。


1 绪论 1

1。1 课题研究背景及意义 1

1。2 聚氨酯简介及水性聚氨酯主要分类 2

1。2。1 聚氨酯简介 2

1。2。2 水性聚氨酯的分类 3

1。3 水性聚氨酯国内外发展介绍 4

1。3。1 国外水性聚氨酯的发展现状 4

1。3。2 国内水性聚氨酯发展概况 5

1。4 水性聚氨酯的合成单体 6

1。4。1 多异氰酸酯 6

1。4。2 低聚物多元醇 6

1。4。3 扩链剂 7

1。4。4 亲水性扩链剂 7

1。5 研究任务与目的 7

2实验部分 8

2。1 实验药品与设备 8

2。1。1 实验药品 8

2。1。2 实验仪器与设备 9
