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时间:2023-09-09 22:54来源:优尔论文

摘要    伴随着知识经济时代的到来,以互联网为基础的创意文化产业逐渐步入社会大众生活,作为其中最具代表性之一的网络文学,也在传统文学和互联网发生碰撞之后如火如荼地展开。在经历了十余年的摸索之后,国内网络文学网站从非盈利到盈利,从娱乐性质转变为商业性质,在度过网络经济泡沫破灭之后已然焕发新生。然而,网络文学网站的运营模式究竟是如何协调原创作者、网络读者、以及第三方产业机构的,其中又有哪些问题弊端值得探讨,在我国国内版权法与国际条约接轨仍有欠缺的情况之下,网络文学网站的建设又应当何去何从?90171


 Abstract     Though internet construct started late in China, it has been developing rapidly in recently years。 Along with the advent of the era of knowledge economy, the Internet based creative cultural industry gradually into the public life, as one of the most representative of the network literature, also after the collision of traditional literature and the Internet in full。 After has experienced more than ten years of exploration, the domestic network literature website from non-profit to profit, from entertainment properties to commercial property, after already resurgent after the dot com bubble burst。 The operation mode of the network literature website, however, is how to coordinate the original authors, readers, and the third industry organization network, which has disadvantages which problems worth exploring, in our domestic copyright law and international treaty are still lack of situation, the construction of the network literature website and should do?

This thesis mainly the operation mode of the domestic network literature websites in China is analyzed, combined with the actual site management operations, from the general operation and the operation mode of the network literature website copyright operations research, from 

different industry point of view of literature website operation involved in the process of legal problems, study its current situation and existing problems and provide the solution。 The paper itself over the years engaged in the work experience in network literature and network literature boom in recent years, comprehensive analysis of the nowadays the operation mode of the domestic each big mainstream literature websites, from the different operations to find already exist or could exist, legal questions involved, including copyright, in order to provide the related Suggestions to network literature website construction in China, the leading article IP heat at the same time, the pursuit of their own development, and combined with the domestic relevant laws and regulations, found the problem, provide a train of thought, to solve the problem。 源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

毕业论文关键词:网络文学网站; 运营模式; 盗版

  Keyword: Network literature website; Operation mode; Piracy   


一、 绪论 1 网络文学网站运营模式相关法律问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/fanwen/lunwen_195986.html
