ABSTRACTThe performance of the miniaturized photocatalytic air purifier including a continuous adsorp-tion/desorption unit with a zeolite particles-loaded honeycomb rotor was investigated in the photocat-alytic purification of 1m3 air contai...
Abstract: Surface low/distortion is one of the most challenging surface deflections that have a great effect on the exterior appearance of automobiles. Most studies on surface distortion/deflection have focused on evaluation and visualizatio...
#Abstract As automobile body panels are one kind of sheetmetal part with groups of free form surfaces, the processplanning is more complicated than common sheet metalstamping to implode effectively and practically. Based onKBE, new framework...
Mechanical hydraulic-pulsator machine with three control loops has been constructed. Stability of control is 0.5 percent of the range. Consumption of electric power is about one third of electro-hydraulic machine57942 ABSTRACT An hydraulic...
第十八章:干净的空间 术语18。1 清洁空间和洁净室应用18。2 机载粒子和粒子控制18。3 空气模式控制18。3 气流方向控制洁净空间之间18。6 测试清洁的空气和干净的空间。18.7 制药和生物...
AbstractRobot control is a key competence for robot manufacturers and a lot of development is made to increase robot performance, reduce robot costand introduce new functionalities。 Examples of development areas that get big attention toda...
A multi-step unfolding method (MSUM) is developed for blank design and formability pre-diction of complicated progressive die stamping part. In themethod, a finite elementmodelof the inverse approach (IA) is developed at a local area accord...
Material Selection During recant years the selection of engineering materials has assumed great importance. Moreover, the process should be one of continual reevaluation. New materials often become available and there may be a decreasing av...
摘要:为了减少注塑机的结构设计中的重复劳动,并改善它的复杂性,通过单一的设计及个别产品的结构设计效率来配置设计的基于实例的方法,此次采用以实现非设计BOM - 标准的机器...