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时间:2019-04-30 22:13来源:毕业论文
shows the comparisons of crystallinity and crystalline sizewithand without the film inserted. It shows that the crystallinity of the IMRproducts is 16% greater than products created via the conventio

shows the comparisons of crystallinity and crystalline sizewithand without the film inserted. It shows that the crystallinity of the IMRproducts is 16% greater than products created via the conventional pro-cess, and its crystallite size is 12% larger because of the heat retardationeffect of the attached film and the derived lower cooling rate. Mean-while, the tensile strength of the IMR products, shown in Fig. 10,isalso slightly greater than that of conventionally processed products.Fig. 11 shows the surface structure status obtained by SEMfor prod-uctsmanufactured via IMR (with inserted film) and conventional injec-tion molding (without film). It shows that the film's heat retardationeffect can increase the smoothness of the product surface. Fig. 12shows that the surface roughness is reduced from0.1 umto 0.05 um, in-dicating a 50% reduction of surface roughness by the IMR process. 4. ConclusionsThe heat retardation effect of filmoccurring in the in-mold roller in-jection process can lead to asymmetric cooling in the direction of themold's varying thickness, consequently leading to product quality prob-lems. This research performs a CAE simulation and conducts experi-mental observation to investigate the influence of the heat retardationeffect of the film used in the IMR process on the temperature field ofthe mold and its impact on product warpage. Based on this investiga-tion, amoldwith an asymmetric cooling systemis designed and studied,and the product surface quality resulting from the associated processesis inspected. The results and conclusions are as follows:1. Induced by the heat retardation effect of the film, the increased crys-tallinity and the asymmetric temperature of core and cavity duringthe molding stage can cause product warpage. The results of the ex-periments and simulation analysis both show a similar trend.2. Through the observation of the temperature field, an asymmetrictemperature cooling system is designed and studied, in which thefilm thickness is 0.175 mm and the temperatures of hot melt, cavityand core are 230 °C, 50 °C and 65 °C, respectively. The simulation re-sults of this asymmetric cooling systemshowthat the productwarp-age declines from 0.54 mm to 0.2 mm, an improvement of 63%. Theexperimental results demonstrate that the product warpage fallsfrom 0.62 mm to 0.29 mm, for an improvement of 53%.3. During the IMR process, the heat retardation effect of the film willslow the cooling rate of themold, increasing the surface crystallinityand crystallite size of cavity products.When the PC film thickness is0.175mm, and the temperatures of hotmelt andmold are 230 °C and50 °C, respectively, the crystallinity increases by 16%, and the crystal-lite size increases by 12%. Meanwhile, the tensile strength of theproduct will also rise slightly.4. Because of the heat retardation effect of the film, the IMR process canincrease the surface smoothness of products. In this study, theproduct's surface roughness decreases from 0.1um to 0.05 um, for areduction of 50%.
摘要在最近年,型内装饰(IMD)注射成型是最有前途的表面装饰技术,型内辊(IMR)注射成型是最自动化生产过程。在IMR过程,空腔表面传热显著延迟是因为低导热性电导率薄膜。由于不对称融化和模具温度,热力感应部分容易发生弯曲。为了了解核心和腔的温度场变化引起的塑料薄膜,这种研究使用模拟和实验调查了影响模具翘曲的(核心和磨槽)不对称冷却系统温度也和影响薄膜的热缺陷的影响结晶度、抗拉强度和表面粗糙度的产品。我们的研究结果显示,这部薄膜在更高的接触温度之间的热熔和模具在成型过程中,导致不对称模具温度(核心和腔),增加空腔,因此结晶度的增加产品翘曲。在塑料、翘曲从0.03毫米到0.62毫米增加过程中,当膜厚度为0.175毫米和模具的温度和热熔为50°C和230°C,各自增加了钢材比例(P20)。在不对称冷却系统设计中,腔的温度是50°C和核心温度为65°C,弯曲可以降低53%。结晶度和结晶大小在薄膜IMR过程的热滞后,效应腔的结晶度增加16%,微晶增加12%,以及增加了一些抗拉强度。此外,IMR过程也可以增加产品表面光滑,降低50%的表面粗糙度。 型内辊注塑冷却系统英文文献和中文翻译(3):http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_32822.html