maximum distortion of measurement points was 0。225 mm。 There was A。 Melt Temp。 (oC) 320 310 300
discrepancy between measured and simulated values, which was caused B。 Mold Temp。 (oC) 120 100 80
by slipping of polymer molecules at the mold surface and simulation C。 Pack Press。 (Mpa) 180 160 140
errors of viscoelastic stress relaxation and thermal stress distribution。 D。 Pack Time (Sec) 2。0 1。5 1。0
Table 3 Distortion values and S/N ratios
No。 Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5 Point 6 Point 7 Point 8 Point 9 Avg。 S/N
1 0。010 0。009 0。015 0。012 0。009 0。015 0。010 0。008 0。015 0。030 28。033
2 0。001 0。003 0。008 0。000 0。004 0。011 0。001 0。004 0。012 0。042 24。076
3 0。002 0。009 0。004 0。005 0。010 0。009 0。003 0。009 0。013 0。060 21。158
4 0。034 0。007 0。051 0。035 0。007 0。048 0。034 0。004 0。046 0。032 27。577
5 0。030 0。058 0。055 0。031 0。058 0。053 0。029 0。053 0。052 金属镶件的注塑件脱模后残余应力英文文献和中文翻译(6):