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时间:2021-12-25 21:37来源:毕业论文
Figure 9 shows the patterns resulting when dif- ferent substrates (kapton PV 9102 and M8) were used for the roller and PET was used as the final substrate for Stage 3, measured at 1009 magnifi- cation

Figure 9 shows the patterns resulting when dif- ferent substrates (kapton PV 9102 and M8) were used for the roller and PET was used as the final substrate for Stage 3, measured at 1009 magnifi- cation by use of an optical microscope。 Figure 9a is the resulting pattern on the PET substrate when kapton PV 9102 was used for the roller。 There are visible lines which are not continuous and do not reflect the pattern of the cliche´。 Figure 9b is the resulting pattern on the PET substrate when M8 was used for the roller。 Similarly to the experiment with kapton PV 9102, the pattern created when M8 was the roller is insufficient。


Throughout the reverse-offset printing process, transfer of ink from the coating process to the final setting process is vital。 This paper suggests that optimization of contact angle differences between the roller and Stage 3, and the viscosity of the ink, are of extreme importance and will determine the outcome of the final printed pattern。 The UV LED- curable ink had non-Newtonian dilatant, STF behavior。 This UV LED-curable ink was success- fully printed by use of Inkjet and 3D printing technology。文献综述

反向偏置印版辊印刷(Reverse-Offset Roll-to-Plate (RO-R2P) Printing)在印刷工业中越来越受欢迎,因为其印刷过程操作简便,且可以准确地印刷出线宽为5μm的高精度图案。印刷过程包括三个阶段,并且每个阶段都需要一根辊筒(roller)传递油墨。通过测量承印物(substrate)的接触角(θ),来按照顺序选择并用于整个实验。θ(阶段1) > θ(辊筒)> θ(阶段2) 以及 θ(阶段3)。整个印刷过程中采用紫外线(UV)发光二极管(LED)固化油墨;但是,原始的油墨溶液由于其粘度不适合在承印物上印刷最终图案。用浓度为40%的甲醇可以稀释油墨溶液。原溶液粘度约40。7 CP而稀释溶液约25厘泊。较于原先约40。7厘泊(cP。),稀释后溶液浓度接近25厘泊。这两个解决方案表现为非牛顿流体的(non-Newtonian),膨胀的,剪切增稠的(shear-thickening)液体。通过使用喷墨打印机(inkjet printer)和三维打印方法( three-dimensional printing methods),成功地将稀释或不稀释两种形态的油墨溶液印刷出来。


关键词: 反向偏置印刷,印版辊,RO-R2P,接触角,粘度,紫外线发光二极管


1  介绍


电子印刷技术已经变得非常重要,因为其在太阳能电池中的各种应用、针对射频的识别标签以及显示技术。1  最常见的非接触式印刷方法有凹版胶印(gravure offset printing)、柔性版印刷(flexographic printing)、丝网印刷(screen printing)和反向胶印(screen printing)。2–6  每种技术的精度和精确性由于 线宽,线边缘直线度、厚度、厚度偏差 而有所不同。尽管许多非接触印刷工艺能够将高质量图像印刷到柔性承印物上,反向偏置却能通过仅仅5μm的线宽以及很小的厚度偏差进行最高分辨率的印刷。7  然而,只有在理想的印刷条件下,这些规格才有可能实现。

影响反向偏置质量的主要因素是油墨的流变性能(rheological properties)及其与加工过程中所用承印物的界面关系(interfacial relationship)。8-10  在反向偏置印刷中,油墨转印到一个初始承印物上,并且在该过程完成之前,辊子必须在几个阶段之间传输油墨。当辊筒有连续的墨层时,其必须滚过包含所需图案底片(negative)的铅版(cliché)。铅版和油墨之间的界面能量必须高于辊和为了图案形成的油墨之间的能量。因此,油墨在承印物上的润湿性决定了油墨是否能够被成功地转印。论文网

液滴与承印物之间的接触角越小,液滴便扩散地越大;接触角越大,液滴形状变得越像球形,将导致(油墨)液体不能一致(uniformly)扩散。11,12 具有较小接触角的液-汽界面能(liquid vapor interfacial energy)表明粘附力(adhesive forces)比分子间的内聚力(cohesive forces)强,允许分子在承印物上扩散而不是相互粘附。在反向胶印过程中,必须优化阶段和辊之间的接触角,以帮助油墨转印。 反向偏置印版辊印刷英文文献和中文翻译(6):http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_87338.html
