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时间:2018-04-06 21:12来源:毕业论文

Under The Equitable Distribution Of Educational Equity     Perspective Origin Of Chinese Educational Resources
Abstract: Education fair is refers to the national education resource configuration is based on a principle. The reality is also appeared in the process of our education reform a big problem - the unfair education. Such as the gap between regions, differences between rich and poor people, increasing the education gap between various social classes. This seriously hindered the construction of harmonious society of our country. The main cause of the unbalanced education development in our country is the imbalance of education resources allocation. In the factors of affect education resources allocation structure, in addition to education policy is the main factor, and increase investment in education, family education investment and the social class differentiation and other reasons. To narrow the gap in education, realize the fair distribution of education resources, must be from the increased investment in education, improve education resource allocation policies and other aspects, to make a rational allocation of education resources.
Keywords: Education fair; Educational resources; Allocation
    目    录
摘要    1
Abstact    1
关键词    1
前言    2
一、教育公平与教育资源概述    2
(一)教育公平    2
(二)教育资源    3
一、我国教育资源配置的现状    4
(一)东、西部之间的结构性差异    4
(二)省际之间的差异    5
(三)城乡之间的差异    6
三、造成我国教育资源分配不均的原因    7
(一)客观经济条件制约    7
(二)教育制度不完善    8
(三)社会阶层分化    8
四、解决我国教育资源分配不均的对策    9
(一)以发展生产力为根本,打下教育公平的坚实基础    9
(二)加强教育制度供给,实现教育资源均衡配置    9
(三)对教育弱势群体进行补偿,文护弱势群体权利    10
结束语    10
参考文献    11
致谢    12
教育资源的开发利用以追求社会效益的最大化为原则。实现教育公平必须以教育资源的公平配置为前提和内在要求。但现实是,日益扩大的教育差距正不断把我们的视线聚集在教育资源的公平配置上。由于制度的不健全、城乡差别和阶层分化等原因,造成了教育事实上的不公平,而这又突出表现在教育资源配置的不公平上。对此,我们应根据不同教育阶段的特性以及存在的不公平的实际,采取大力发展生产力、完善和加强教育制度供给、强化政府作用、对教育弱势群体进行补偿等措施来实现教育资源的公平配置,并且还要加强教育资金流动监督管理,以实现教育资源的公平配置,从而推动教育公平进程的加快。 教育公平视阈下中国教育资源的公平分配探源:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_12505.html