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时间:2018-06-04 21:10来源:毕业论文

The Theory of Public Prosecution of Criminal Reconciliation
    Abstract:Public prosecution to criminal reconciliation as a new kind of unpaid processing pattern, spawned a new way of dispute resolution, with ease contradiction, dissolve the contradiction between the victim and the criminal judicial functions. And its theoretical basis of restorative justice, criminal reconciliation system is through the side of the crime of criminal crime and murder to establish a relationship of dialogue between parties, with criminal responsibility actively eliminate the conflict, from the deep resolve contradictions, and through the participation of community and other relevant aspects, repair the damaged social relations of an alternative judicial activities. Public prosecution for criminal reconciliation based on the spiritual civilization of concern to the victim and the criminal, to repair and rebuild the damaged social relations as the goal, the application of the criminal justice system will be more harmonious.
    Keywords: public prosecution;criminal reconciliation;legislation
   目    录

摘要:    I
Abstract:    I
前言    1
一、公诉案件中刑事和解概述    1
(一)公诉案件中刑事和解的概念    1
(二)公诉案件中刑事和解的特点    2
(三)公诉案件适用刑事和解的适用条件    3
二、公诉案件中适用刑事和解的理论依据和现实依据    3
(一)和解制度的理论依据    3
(二)刑事和解的现实依据    4
三、公诉案件中刑事和解存在的问题    5
(一)刑事和解适用范围过窄    5
(二)检察机关主持调解的做法不当    6
(三)公诉案件中刑事和解的立法现状    6
四、公诉案件中刑事和解的完善建议    7
(一)扩大公诉案件中刑事和解的案件范围    7
(二)明确限定公诉案件中刑事和解的阶段    7
(三)明确公诉案件中刑事和解的运用    6
结 语    8
参考文献    9
    在大力建设社会主义和谐社会的时代背景下,作为一种新的刑事案件解决机制,刑事和解因其可以妥善地解决纷争,缓和矛盾,促进社会和谐而备受社会关注。但因为刑事和解制度在立法上一直没有被明确,在司法实践中刑事和解的适用通常缺乏依据,从而使得司法机关对刑事和解的理解和具体做法都大不相同,不仅影响司法活动的统一性和严肃性,也一定程度上削弱了司法机关开展刑事和解的积极性。为了使司法机关达到统一的适用标准,防止刑事和解的任意性,尽可能好地保护被害人和犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的合法权益,应当及时在立法上对刑事和解制度进行明确。 论公诉案件中的刑事和解:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_16991.html