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时间:2018-06-11 20:47来源:毕业论文

Theory of the judge's interpretation right
Abstract:at present with the reform of China's judicial system, trial mode unceasingly thorough, our litigation mode is changed, changing from inquisitorial system to adversary, in order to prevent procrastination litigant litigation mode excessive, resulting in litigation to lose fair value idea, to construct and it is of great significance to improve the interpretation right the judge system, although China has on the judge's interpretation right system actively explore, but legislation have not yet clearly defined, is imperfect system, laws and regulations can not independent chapters, the judge's interpretation right does not play a real effect. In this regard, the judge interpretation right from the concept, nature and different law countries have regulations and other aspects of the basic theory, and analyzes on the application of judge's interpretation right in judicial practice problem in our country and disadvantages, rules based on the judge's interpretation right scope, the use phase, construction applicable principles and relief mechanism, so as to perfect the system of judge's interpretation right.
Key words: The interpretation right,Functions and powers doctrine,the parties concerned
中文摘要:    1
英文摘要:    1
前言    2
一 释明权的概述    2
(一)法官释明权的由来    2
(二)释明权含义及性质的界定    3
(三)释明权的特征    4
二 国外对法官释明权的立法概况及分析    5
(一)大陆法系国家关于法官释明权的规定    5
(二)英美法系国家关于释明权的立法概况    7
(三)两大法系国家关于释明权的共同点    7
三 我国释明权在司法实践中存在的问题及原因分析    8
(一)法官释明权在司法实践中存在的问题    8
(二)导致问题出现的原因    9
四 完善释明权制度    10
(一)行使释明权所应遵循的原则     10
(二)完善释明权立法上的不足    10
(三)提高法官的业务素质    11
结 语    11
参考文献    12
  前 言
释明权制度源自大陆法系国家,后来随着社会的发展,各国之间交流愈来愈多,许多国家最初的诉讼模式已经不能适应时代的发展,纷纷引入释明权制度,克服纯粹当事人主义的诉讼模式所带来的诉讼迟延、诉讼效率低下等弊端,有利于提高诉讼效率、也有利于法官查明案件事实。我国随着司法制度改革,审判模式的不断推进和深化,诉讼模式由职权主义模式向当事人模式过渡,已经规定了释明权制度,但其不完善,笔者对其释明权的概念及其性质进行界定,并对现状进行分析,提出完善其制度的建议,完善释明权制度对我国司法制度改革来说是一个进步,这将使我国诉讼模式上一个新的台阶。 论法官的释明权+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_17396.html