摘 要随着当今经济的不断发展,市场上的产品与日俱增,关于产品缺陷引起的产品责任纠纷也日益增加。产品缺陷致人损害的法律后果是导致产品责任,产品责任的归责原则是构建产品责任规范内容和体系的指导原则。89627
With the continuous development of economy, the products on the market of product liability disputes grow with each passing day, the product defects caused by increasing。 The legal consequences of damage caused by product defect is the result of product liability, product liability imputation principle is the guiding principle to build a normative content and product liability system。
From the category of product liability, this article firstly stated the concept of product liability, then the product liability, product quality and product to the liability for guaranteeing the drawbacks, and then analyses the constitutive requirements of the product liability, finally studies the United States, Europe and the domestic product liability imputation principle theory, put forward the deficiency of the domestic product liability imputation principle and improving Suggestions。
毕业论文关键词:产品责任; 产品瑕疵担保责任; 归责原则; 严格责任
Keyword: Product liability; The liability for guaranteeing the product defects; Imputation principle; Strict liability
目 录
引 言 1
一、产品责任的范畴 2
(一)产品责任的概念 2
(二)产品责任与产品质量源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 责任的关系 2
(三)产品责任与产品瑕疵担保责任的辨析 3
二、产品责任的构成要件 4
(一)产品存在缺陷 4
(二)损害事实 4
(三)产品缺陷与损害事实之间有因果关系 4
三、欧美国家产品责任归责原则的分析 6
(一)美国产品责任归责原则的演变 6
(二)欧州产品责任归责原则的演变 6
四、 我国产品责任的归责原则及其不足与完善 8
(一)我国产品责任的归责原则 8
(二)我国产品责任归责原则存在的问题 9
1、产品责任认定的不统一 9
2、生产者和销售者之间责任不明确 9
3、损害赔偿制度不够完善 9
4、归责主体的范围不明确 9
(三)如何完善我国产品责任的归责原则 10
1、统一产品责任的认定 10
2、 明确生产者和销售者之间的责任 10
3、完善损害赔偿制度 10
4、明确归责主体范围 产品责任归责原则的研究:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_195185.html