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时间:2024-02-13 20:19来源:毕业论文

摘  要:行政腐败一直以来都被公众时刻关注,随着互联网时代的到来,我国公众利用网络参与行政腐败监督成为一种新的趋势,但与此同时,公众在网络有序参与层面面临严峻挑战。为此,本文首先对我国公众网络有序参与行政腐败监督的现状进行考察,分析其存在的问题及后果;接着探讨公众网络有序参与行政腐败监督中问题的成因;最后,在此基础上尝试提出综合的治理方略,力图改善我国公众网络参与行政腐败监督的治理体系和提升现代化治理能力,形成公众自觉合法有序的参与规则。93760


The orderly participation in the public network administrative corruption supervision research in China

Abstract: Administrative corruption has long been the public attention, with the advent of the era of Internet, the public use the Internet to participate in the administrative supervision and become a new trend of corruption, but at the same time, the public network and orderly participation faces severe challenges。 Therefore, firstly, this article will present the situation of our public network orderly participation in the administrative corruption supervision, analyzes its existing problems and the consequences; Then discuss the public network in order to participate in the cause of corruption in the supervision of administrative issues; Finally, on the basis of trying to put forward the comprehensive management strategy, trying to improve our country network public participation in the management of administrative corruption supervision system and promote modernization of governance, to promote the legal and orderly public participation rules。

Key words: network orderly participation; administrative corruption supervision; governance; 

目  录

一、引言 1

二、我国公众网络有序参与行政腐败监督现状:问题及后果 1

(一)公众参与行政腐败监督具有局限性且自觉性和独立性缺失严重 1

(二)公众网络非理性参与监督呈现弊端 2

(三)公众网络参与无序,微博问政收效甚微 2

(四)行政机关职员的腐败问题突出、行政行为低效 2

(五)网络治理的联动性欠缺 3

三、我国公众网络有序参与行政腐败监督问题:成因分析 3

(一)教育培训工作缺失使公众面对腐败问题有心无力 4

(二)公众网络有序参与的保障性法律法规尚不完善 4

(三)行政人员素质不高,接受公众监督的意识薄弱 4

(四)信息技术的运用与行政监督脱节 5

(五)公众维护自身合法权益意识淡薄,中介组织作用不明显 5

四、我国公众网络有序参与行政腐败监督:综合治理方略 6

(一)开设“政治参与”课堂,提升公众监督意识 6

(二)建立健全网络监管的法律法规 6

(三)提高行政人员综合素质,开展教育培训工作 7

(四)创新信息技术与行政监督的网络体系 7

(五)健全社会舆论监督机制,加强公众网络有序参与能力 我国公众网络有序参与行政腐败监督研究:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_201664.html
