Marital forced sex behavior is that During the duration of marriage in certain circu- mstances, to express his wife his reluctant to sexual intercourse with her husband of the real meaning of told her husband, wife and husband still not will, by violence, co- ercion forced to have sex with his wife's behavior. For her husband whether can be ra- ped his wife at home and abroad criminal legislation main body are different. Educat- ional circles for marital forced sex behavior qualitative mainly has four kinds: the cri- me of innocence, insult or abuse, intentional injury, rape. The author thinks that the behavior does not constitute a rape in principle, but in joint crime (for example:gang
rape) ;due to its violation of women will, violent sexual intercourse that resulted in the deaths of a wife of one party ;porce judgment has yet to take effect; during sexual intercourse of violence against his wife in public ;cognition mistake, where his wife for other women and rape ;With emotional discord and separation of six months, and have written separation agreement confirmed that the couple have been separated, hu- sband against his wife will still forced sexual intercourse.The seven cases constitute special prosecution of rape.
Marital forced sexual intercourse ,rape,against women will.
事实上,从1989-1999年大陆大规模“性文明”调查和《2010妇女年度权益报告》显示,2.8%的被调查妇女承认她们曾遭受过自己丈夫的性暴力,比例远高于婚外强奸案的发生率。家庭暴力、性暴力等传统侵害妇女权益行为仍然存在,甚至较为严重,中国妇女权利状况并不乐观。佛山首例“婚内强奸案”,一审判决丈夫无罪;1998年青浦法院判决王某某成立强奸罪等更是引起社会持续关注。 我国法律并未明确排除丈夫作为强奸罪的犯罪主体,亦未将婚内强行性交明确入罪化。这种不确定性和不可预期性使得法官拥有较大的自由裁量权,为了严格限制司法裁量权,文护司法的统一性,防止司法秩序混乱,我国急迫需要在刑事立法上对婚内强行性交行为作出明确定性。
从《大清律例•刑律》、《大清新刑律》、《大清民律草案》、优尔法全书、《汉律》、1928年刑法典、1935年的修订,到现行刑法,经历了从肯定一夫多妻制、将“奸”字理解为不义之交,即婚外性行为、妻子完全没有性自主权,到对“奸”的理解可以包括夫妻间的性行为。[3]1980年我国《婚姻法》废除了第七条夫妻共同生活的规定,使得婚内强行性交行为入罪具有现实可能性。 婚内强行性交行为的刑法研究:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_37017.html