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时间:2020-06-29 21:11来源:毕业论文



On the cause and countermeasure of rural land dispute


In parallel with the rapid economic development of our society, problems of rural land, there are a lot of new work, for example because of uneven distribution of compensation, the amount of the money less, the number of disputes has gradually increased, and with the maintenance of disputes subject to the respective interests of both sides and duration are gradually drawn many problems. But the existing land requisition system in the legal system, management levels do not meet the actual needs in the work process, exacerbated to some extent contradictory. From the land starting date, increasing disputes caused by land in rural China, landless farmers and grass-roots Government have greatly influenced and exposed the drawbacks on the existing mechanisms in resolving land disputes. This problem occurs because there is the Government's shortcomings and point people's legal awareness and their related systems do not know, lead to disputes in the event of, and solve the difficulties. Therefore, establishing sound and reasonable compensation of farmers of land expropriation system and effective solution to the land dispute, easing social conflicts, maintain social stability, safeguard farmers ' interests and promote socio-economic development of the content

Key  Words:  Rural land requisition; land dispute; compensation and resettlement

目  录

一、农村征地纠纷类型及特点 3

(一)征地纠纷的类型 3

(二)征地纠纷的特点 4

二、农村征地纠纷存在问题及负面影响 5

(一)征地纠纷存在问题 5

(二)纠纷的负面影响 7

三、农村征地纠纷产生的原因 7

(一)征地制度不完善 8

(二)补偿安置问题 8

(三)纠纷解决机制不健全 8

(四)缺乏监督机制 8

(五)基层政府行政人员权力的滥用 8

(六)农民缺乏知情权和参与权 9

四、解决农村征地纠纷的对策 9

(一)完善征地制度及法律法规 9

(二)健全纠纷解决机制 9

(三)完善司法救济程序 论农村征地纠纷问题的成因及对策:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_55524.html
