摘要:司法拘留作为一种有效强制措施在司法实践中得到了广泛的运用。为了防止其被司法机关滥用,民诉意见补充规定了 “一事不再罚”,对司法拘留的适用进行了限制,但其对一事不再罚的规定并不完善。本文在阐释一事不再罚的涵义和理论渊源并对我国民诉法关于一事不再罚的规定评析基础上,结合一事不再罚理论及司法拘留的规定对适用司法拘留的“一事”,即“同一妨碍民事诉讼行为”认定规则进行探寻,进而理论方法指导实践分析引言案例。最后对司法拘留适用一事不再罚提出几点完善建议,以期更好地规范司法拘留实践,维护司法权威及保障当事人的合法权益。56160
Abstract: As one kind of effective coercive measure in civil suits, judicial detention finds broad application in juridical practice. To prevent judicial authority from misapplying judicial detention, law of civil proceedings has enacted a supplementary provision about “The Punishment No Longer” to limit the application of judicial detention, but its legislation about “The Punishment No Longer” is not perfect. Based on illuminating the meaning and the theoretical origin of “The Punishment No Longer” and commenting on the provision about “The Punishment No Longer” in civil procedural law, this paper will seek confirmative rules of “one illegal activity able to be punished by once judicial detention”, which is called “one act against civil procedure” in the law of civil proceedings, with the theory of “The Punishment No Longer” and the provision of judicial detention, and then apply theory to practice, analyze the case introduced at the beginning of the paper. At the end of the paper, some suggestions to perfect the application of “The Punishment No Longer” to judicial detention will be put forward to standard the practice of judicial detention better and to protect judicial authority and legitimate interest of parties.
Key words: The Punishment No Longer, Judicial detention, Application
目 录
一、引言 4
二、我国民事诉讼法中“一事不再罚原则”的概述 4
(一)一事不再罚原则的涵义、特征与理论渊源 4
(二)一事不再罚原则在我国民事诉讼法中的规定 5
(三)对我国民事诉讼法中一事不再罚原则的评析 6
三﹑一事不再罚在民事司法拘留中的适用 6
(一)“一事”认定规则的理论探析 6
(二)“同一妨碍民事诉讼行为”认定规则的法律探析 9
(三)“同一妨碍民事诉讼行为”认定规则的实践应用 10
四、关于完善民事司法拘留适用一事不再罚的建议 11
(一)以“一事理论”规范司法拘留的适用 11
(二)严格司法拘留的审批程序 11
(三)适用司法拘留预告制度 11
(四)对法院司法拘留进行内外监督 12
结 语 13
参考文献 14
致谢 15
2012年,在冯某诉陈某解除房屋买卖合同案件中,房屋被冯某申请了诉讼保全,法院最终判决陈某败诉。但陈某在接到法生效院判决后未能按期履行判决且变卖了已被查封房屋。法院依申请进行强制执行,在发现查封房屋已被陈某出卖后,先后以陈某变卖已被查封财产 、拒绝报告财产情况、拒不履行法院判决为由依据民事诉讼法第111条第3项、第241条、第111条第6项,在2012年5月6号至6月21号期间对其采取连续三次每次各15日的司法拘留,在连续被拘释放后,陈某向检察院提出申诉,指出法院连续采取司法拘留措施违法。本案以陈某的撤销申诉而终结。 论“一事不再罚”在民事司法拘留中的适用:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_60657.html