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时间:2022-02-14 21:42来源:毕业论文



The legal regulation of the personality right through the network

Abstract: In recent years, the network continues to develop, the infringement of personality rights to expand into the network。 In the network virtual world, the protection of the right of personality is more and more important。  but in the network in the protection of personality right is still flawed。 In this paper, we study the typical cases, from the perspective of the types of the infringement of the right of personality in the network。 The scope of protection of general personality right in the network should be expanded, but not all of the rights and interests are protected; in the network of the specific personality rights violations put forward their own point of view,。 In the typical case, the focus of controversy is analyzed, the determination of the subject of network infringement, as well as the network user forwarding behavior, network service providers of the standard of infringement of the judge。

Keywords: Network infringement; right of personality; classic case; Type of ; Legal regulation

目 录

一、引言 1

二、据以研究的典型案例 1

(一)侵害隐私权 1

(二)侵害名誉权 1

(三)侵害其他人格权 1

三、类型化研究 2

(一)网络中侵害一般人格权 2

(二)网络中侵害具体人格权 2

四、通过网络侵犯人格权行为的法律规制 5

(一)网络用户侵害人格权行为的法律规制 5

(二)网络服务提供者侵害人格权行为的法律规制 6

五、结语 7

参考文献 9

致谢 10





原告先后向新浪和百度发出律师函请求采取必要措施,删除某新浪博客博主侵犯其个人隐私的文章,新浪未提交证据证明其进行了删除等必要措施,百度公司提供了证据。原告要求两公司提供涉嫌侵权博主的个人信息。法院判决:新浪不能证明其尽到删除义务,因此其构成侵权,百度公司有证据,所以不承担责任。原告要求新浪公司提供博主的个人信息,新浪公司应在力所能及的情况下向原告披露博主的网络用户信息,以维护自身合法权益。 通过网络侵犯人格权及其法律规制:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_89714.html
