
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 土木工程 >


时间:2024-05-20 22:07来源:95432





Abstract:The graduation project is port project of Jialingjiang southern . The rapid development of this region dependence on port transport and this dependence have gradually increased, with the increase in throughput of the original wharf is too small can not meet the local needs. So in the lower part of the old wharf to build a new 5,000-ton new general cargo terminal is groceries.

The proposed location of the pier is open and the foundation is good for the construction of the terminal. Jialing River through a lot of economic belt, in recent years, according to the Jialing River along the transformation and urban development planning requirements, along the Jialing River has built a unique scenery, tourism and tourism around the people and important places for leisure and entertainment. According to the local traffic and cargo traffic growth, the first terminal to gradually meet the needs of the port terminal. The port is an important transportation infrastructure for the development of the national economy. Therefore, it is necessary to plan and construct a Jungle River south harbor terminal with a high degree of mechanization.

This design is to complete the Jialing River this new terminal task. The main contents include the design of the terminal, the design of the terminal, the calculation of the load, the calculation of the stability of the pier, the calculation of the internal force of the dock, the calculation of the reinforcement and the calculation of the crack width, and the drawing of the general plan of the wharf, the three views of the pier and the reinforcement map.

Keywords: caisson terminal; Piece goods; general layout; Load calculation; Structural internal force


第一章 绪论 1

1.1吞吐量的发展 1

1.2建设的必要性 1

1.3建设的可行性 2

第二章基本设计质料 3

2.1地理位置 3

2.2气象 4

2.2.1气温 4

2.2.2降水 4

2.2.3风况 4

2.2.4台风 5

2.2.5雾 5

2.2.6相对湿度 5

2.3水文 6

2.3.1水位 6

2.4冰况 嘉陵江南部5000吨重力式件杂货码头设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_203921.html
