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时间:2024-05-20 22:01来源:95430




Abstract:The contents of this graduation project is the design of the breakwater of Dongjiakou Port in Qingdao Port. The design port area belongs to the deep water port, and the wave height is larger; if there is no good cover, the sea storm can be applied to the harbor waters, affecting the normal work of the port. Therefore, it is of great significance to do the design work of the harbor breakwater project.

The main contents of this design are based on national and industry standards, including the overall layout of the breakwater; slope and vertical breakwater design, and ultimately determine the appropriate harbor breakwater structure type; through the existing design information , The design of the chest wall, the structural section design, the wave force calculation; the breakwater foundation under the foundation of the overall stability check and foundation soil settlement calculation.

Key words: breakwater; plane arrangement; structural design; stability; foundation settlement.


第一章绪论 1

1.1项目概况 1

1.2建设必要性 1

1.3防波堤在国内应用情况 2

1.3.1斜坡堤 2

1.3.2直立堤 2

1.3.3混合式防波堤 2

1.3.4特殊式防波堤 3

1.4防波堤的发展及研究 3

1.5董家口港区防波堤工程规划方案 3

1.5.1防波堤研究工作综述 4

1.5.2防波堤平面布置 4

1.5.3防波堤结构型式的选择 4

1.6防波堤在整个港区建设中的地位和特点 5

第二章设计资料 5

2.1地理位置 6

2.2气象 6

2.2.1气温 6

2.2.2降水 6

2.2.3雾 6

2.2.4风 6

2.4波浪 8

2.4.1设计波要素 8

2.4.2波况 8

2.5地形地貌 9

2.5.1工程泥沙分析 9

2.7地震 11

2.8设计船型尺度 11

第三章总平面设计 11

3.1港口水域各部分尺度的确定 12

3.1.1船舶进港的制动距离 深水青岛港董家口港区防波堤工程设计+图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_203919.html
