
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 土木工程 >


时间:2024-09-28 22:09来源:97549




Abstract:This graduation design is the design of the Beijing Hangzhou canal Hanzhuang  lock, lock is located in the southeast of Lake Han Zhen Hui Han Zhuang old canal, built Han Zhuang lock can improve navigation conditions, improve north-south waterway transport capacity and promote the development of local tourism.

The reference catalogue of the ship lock design includes the design specifications of the ship lock, the code for the design of the hydraulic structure of the ship lock and the channelization project, and other books and books. Ask the instructor questions and solve problems when you are in trouble. The content of this design includes: to determine the lock scale according to the hydrogeological data of Han Zhuang area; To determine the choice of water delivery system according to the specification, design, scale chamber head; According to the specifications to check of the chamber structure design as well as a good lock head structure, including anti sliding checking the stability and anti overturning bearing capacity calculation and reinforcement calculation, stability, seepage stability, anti floating stability checking calculation of foundation.

Keywords:lock design, lock scale, lock chamber, lock head, checking calculation.


第一章 绪论 1

1.1京杭运河韩庄船闸修筑的重要性和合理性 1

1.2京杭运河韩庄船闸的主要研究内容 1

第二章 设计资料 2

2.1京杭运河韩庄船闸的资料(原始资料) 2

2.1.1建造韩庄船闸的理由 2

2.1.2地质资料 2

2.1.3水文资料 4

2.1.4气象资料 5

2.1.5经济资料 5

第三章船闸总体设计 7

3.1船闸规模设计 7

3.2船闸各部高程的确定 8

3.3引航道的平面布置 9

3.4船闸的通过能力 10

3.5船闸耗水量的计算 12

第四章水利计算及输水系统设计 14

4.1选择输水系统 14

4.2上下闸首断面最大平均流速计算 14

4.3输水系统的水力计算 15

4.3.1环绕短廊道的布置 京杭运河韩庄船闸设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_204748.html
