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时间:2023-03-04 19:52来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  加班管理,特殊工时制,企业用工风险   

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title:   The research on risks of special jobs’ management           


Abstract With the development of society and economy, the forms of employment are more and more perse, special working hours system including Comprehensive Calculation of working hours and irregular working hours’ system are crucial to some special jobs 。With the improvement of the laws and regulations of China and the legal awareness of employees, the labor disputes about overtime disputes occur frequently, and the management of special jobs’ overtime often become an important problem to the enterprise。 As a theme in this paper,the management of risks of special jobs is researched through related cases and regulations ,being based on standard working hour system , trying to find ways to avoid legal risk; at the same time, this paper also have a research on management of special jobs’ risks which is not included in laws 。。

Keywords : the management of overtime work,special working hours system,employment risks 

目   次

1  引言 1

1。1   企业加班工资劳动争议现状1

1。2   特殊岗位用工管理的重要性1

2   研究背景2

3   特殊岗位与三种不同工时制度2

3。1   特殊岗位的定义3

3。2   三种不同的工时制度4

4   特殊岗位用工管理注意要点5

4。1   实行特殊工时制之前需进行审批5

4。2   加班工资的举证责任7源-于,优Z尔%论^文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018~766

5   特殊工时制下的用工管理建议7

5。1   借鉴行业经验,制定轮休方案8

5。2   加强交流沟通,分段考勤员工9

5。3   完善劳动合同,弥补法律漏洞9

5。4   结合绩效考核,提高加班效率10

结论  11

致谢  12


1  引言


1.1  企业加班工资劳动争议现状

第一,劳动争议案件增多,关于加班纠纷比例最大。近年来,随着劳动力市场的活跃,诉讼费制度的改革,劳动者法律意识提高等因素,关于劳资纠纷的案件“节节攀升”。据统计,在这劳动争议中,关于加班纠纷所占比例最大。 特殊岗位用工风险管理研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_144295.html
