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时间:2023-03-06 22:38来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词   社区领袖  社区参与  动员有效性

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  Influence of Urban Residents leaders of Community Participation - A Case Study G community             

Abstract According theories and practice, resident participation rate in community affairs is seriously insufficient, e。g。 Lack of awareness, low participation rate, negaive participation, lack of deep participation。 The study also indicates that community leader is the key factor of motivating people joining community affairs。 Upon on reviewing Questionaire on the impact of community leader on resident particiation rate , the author conduct a research on 100 residents living in community G, the result is that the participation is dependent an physical rather than voluntary and active。 Thier jobs also have effect on the result。 Leaders of different ages have significantly different impacts on residents。 Significat impact on numbers of people and physical participation rather than the depth of participation and active participation; The effectiveness of motivation and importance of advice are in proportion to participation rate, especially in regardless of neighborhood committee。 Satisfaction of resident leader doesn’t have any impact。 At last, through the deep interview with residents, community leaders have the least impact on active participation, limited to numbers rather than depth。源-于,优Z尔%论^文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018~766

Keywords  Community leaders  Community Involvement  Mobilization effectiveness

目   次

1 前言 1

2 文献综述 2

2。1 社区领袖 2

2。2 社区参与 2

2。3 社区领袖与社区参与 3

3 研究方法 5

3。1 研究工具 5

3。2 研究假设 5

3。3 信度分析 6

3。4 研究对象及抽样方法 6

4 城市社区居民领袖对社区参与的影响力分析——以G社区为例 8

4。1 城市社区居民参与现状分析 8

4。1。1 城市社区居民参与的总体情况 8

4。1。2 城市社区居民参与在不同变量上的差异分析 城市社区居民领袖对社区参与的影响力研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_145286.html
