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时间:2023-07-09 14:40来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:自助旅游; 个性需求; 大学生; 旅游环境

Abstract Since entering the new century, living standards have markedly improved than before。The popularity of the Internet and the progress of the traffic which prompting more and more people to choose travel as a way of leisure。 The self-help tourism as a new form of tourism, can help tourist fully realize their inpiduality demand and seek different tourism experience。It get the favour of the masses of tourists, especially young travelers。College students as a segment of tourism consumption market,has its obvious characteristics。 This paper select college students as the research object。It focus on studying college students' self-help tourists, analyzing its present situation and characteristics of looking for the possible problems, and puting forward relevant countermeasures and Suggestions。 I Hope society and college students themselves to take warn from this paper。They can build a good tourism environment with many efforts。

    Keyword: self-help tourism; inpiduality demand; college student; tourism environment

一、 绪论 1

二、 概述 1

(一)自助旅游的概念界定 1

(二)自助旅游在中国的兴起 1

(三)自助旅游的分类和特点 2

1。分类 2

2。特点 3

三、 大学生自助旅游发展现状分析 3

(一) 调查问卷的设置 3

1。调查目的 3

2。调查方法 4

3。调查对象 4

(二) 大学生自助旅游现状调查 4

1。自助游方式 4

2。自助游频度 4

3。自助游花费 5

4。自助游影响因素 5

5。自助游偏好 6

(三) 调查结论 7

1。大学生自助游源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201-8766 偏好 7

2。大学生自助游动机 7

(四) 存在的问题 7

1.旅游信息不够全面,不真实 7

2.缺乏旅游线路的整合 7

3.优惠政策力度较小 大学生自助游发展现状分析和对策探:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_184305.html
