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时间:2024-05-10 21:57来源:95338



A Study on the Countermeasure of Matching Shanghai Free Trade Area - Taking Zhenjiang as an Example

Abstract:China's construction of Shanghai Free Trade Area, for Zhenjiang's economic development, has a very significant significance, this paper first introduces the   economic

development of Shanghai Free Trade Area and its impact on the surrounding areas,after the analysis of the Shanghai Free Trade Area to establish the role of Zhenjiang , Zhenjiang docking Shanghai FTA has done part of the work, Zhenjiang economic development of the four aspects of the analysis of the status quo of Zhenjiang economic development, and look forward to the future economic development trend of Zhenjiang, and finally gives Zhenjiang better docking Shanghai FTA recommendations, and the Zhenjiang economic development of the future made a prospect. It is hoped that through the research of this paper, we can play a positive reference role for Zhenjiang's docking economic development in Shanghai.

Keywords:Shanghai Free-Trade Zone;Docking;Zhenjiang;Countermeasure


0引言 1

1绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3研究方法 2

2上海自贸区概况 3

2.1上海自贸区背景 3

2.2上海自贸区建设对周边地区的影响 3

2.3其他自贸区影响 3

3镇江经济发展现状分析 4

3.1镇江的地理位置优势 4

3.2镇江的主要经济产业 4

3.3镇江对接上海自贸区所做的工作 4

3.4镇江经济发展存在的不足 5

4上海自贸区建设对镇江发展的影响 6

4.1虹吸效应 6

4.2溢出效应 8

5镇江对接上海自贸区的思考及建议 10

5.1加快制度革新,做好对接自贸区的政策保障 10

5.2立足本地优势,做好产业对接的发展保障 10

5.3强化载体建设,做好策应自贸区的平台保障 11

5.4对于自贸区发展需要注意的问题 12

6结论及未来研究展望 13

6.1结论 13

6.2对于自贸区的未来展望 13


参考文献 对接上海自贸区的对策研究以镇江为例:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203750.html
