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时间:2024-05-10 22:06来源:95340



An analysis of the influential factors of entrepreneurial female entrepreneur Leadership: a case study of DongMingzhu

Abstract:In recent years, an increasingly active female entrepreneurship in  the global scope, female entrepreneurs become entrepreneurial leadership and research focus on the leadership of the new focus. The purpose of this thesis is through the review of female entrepreneurship, women's leadership and entrepreneurial leadership  and related research, based on the five leadership model and the basic principle of the north's leadership model, to study under the background of specific organizational change of the influence factors of female entrepreneur leadership, create a good environment for them. Faced with dynamic complex changes of business environment, women entrepreneurs and how to show the new female entrepreneurship leadership, inspire employees and the organization practice of reform and innovation constantly, finally realizes the situation, is the reseach emphasis in this paper.

Keywords : entrepreneurial  female  entrepreneurs ; female  leadership     ;organizational change;Dong Mingzhu


1引言 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 2

1.2.1理论意义 2

1.2.2现实意义 2

2女企业家领导力现状 3

2.1男女比例严重失衡 3

2.2社会刻板印象 3

3研究方案的设计与实施 4

3.1研究目的和内容 4

3.2数据分析 4

4女企业家自身领导力问题 10

4.1理性思维弱 10

4.2缺乏创新意识 10

4.3缺乏决断意识 10

4.4缺乏自信心 10

5创业型女企业家培育建议为她们创造良好创业环境 11

5.1从家庭因素角度分析提出培育建议 11

5.1.1家长有意识的认真培养和树立良好的榜样 11

5.1.2家庭配偶的支持和排忧解难 11

5.2从人力资源和资本因素角度分析提出培育建议 12

5.2.1自主改变、做到平衡 12

5.2.2积累工作经验 12

5.2.3积累早期创业经历 13

5.3从外部因素分析提出培育建议 13

5.3.1政府提供帮助措施 创业型女企业家领导力影响因素分析以董明珠为例:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203754.html
