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时间:2024-05-16 21:49来源:95405



The Study of Incentive for the New Generation of Knowledge-based Staff in A company

Abstract:In the 21st century of rapid economic development, the new generation of knowledge-based staff gradually become the main constituent groups of enterprises, shouldering the work, the enterprise development plays a vital role. Therefore, the choice of targeted research strategies to stimulate the new generation of knowledge-based employees to the sense of belonging to enterprises, to improve their team spirit has become a priority. On the basis of the previous classical knowledge-based employee motivation theory, this paper finds out the problems existing in the incentive system of a company by questionnaire survey. This paper analyzes the personality characteristics of the new generation of knowledge-based staff, and finds the motive force of this kind of employee motivation, puts forward reasonable suggestions to help a company optimize incentive system, establish reasonable incentive system, better manage the new generation knowledge workers, exert the potential of the new generation, and promote the healthy development of company.

Keywords: New Generation Knowledge Workers; Incentive Mechanism Model; Countermeasure Research


0引言 1

1相关概念和理论基础 1

1.1相关概念界定 1

1.2理论基础 2

2A公司新生代知识型员工激励体系的现状及存在问题分析 4

2.1A公司简介 4

2.2A公司员工结构及特点 4

2.3A公司新生代知识型员工激励体系现状 6

2.4A公司新生代知识型员工激励体系存在的主要问题 7

3A公司新生代知识型员工激励需求调查分析 9

3.1问卷设计和说明 9

3.2被调查者的基本情况分析 9

3.3调查结果的描述统计分析 10

4A公司新生代知识型员工激励体系的改进 12

4.1建立合理的薪酬体系,推行自主选择式福利制度 12

4.2建立横向与纵向相结合的晋升制度,完善晋升通道 13

4.3提供培训和学习机会,完善培训制度 14

4.4建立以人为本的组织文化,打造和谐的工作氛围 14

结论 16


参考文献 公司新生代知识型员工激励问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203871.html
