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时间:2024-05-16 21:59来源:95406


关键词: 批判性反思 员工创新行为 知识分享

Study on Mediating Role of Knowledge sharing on the effect of Critial Thinking on Employee Innovation Behavior

Abstract:In recent years,researchers introduce the concept of critical thinking into organizational management fields,which is viewed as an important primary motivation.But there lacks theoretical and empirical research between this relationship.In view of the existing research gaps, this paper constructs the model of moderator based on the theory of knowledge sharing.This research collected related data and information by putting out the questionnaire and regression analysis.The results show that: Critial thinking is positively  related to employee innovation behavior, knowledge sharing partially mediates the relationship between critical thinking and innovation behavior. So this paper will give some suggestions as the following points to enterprises: lay emphasis on investigating the thinking dispositions of employees; encourage internal communication of employees ; set up comprtitive innovation study mechanism; provide enterprise innovation atmosphere; guide employees to make challenging self-regulation.

Keywords: Critial thinking  ,Employee innovation behavior, Knowledge sharing

0引言 1

1文献综述 1

1.1批判性反思理论研究 1

1.2员工创新行为理论研究 2

1.3知识分享理论研究 5

2模型与假设 5

2.1理论假设 5

2.2理论模型 7

3实证研究 7

3.1研究过程设计 7

3.2测量工具 9

3.3数据处理与分析 12

4研究结论 14

4.1结论 14

4.2局限 14

5管理建议 15

5.1注重考察员工思维倾向 15

5.2鼓励组织成员内部沟通 15

5.3建立创新性学习机制 15

5.4营造企业创新氛围 16

5.5引导员工进行挑战性自我调节 知识分享在批判性反思对员工创新行为影响过程中的中介作用研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203873.html
