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时间:2024-05-16 22:32来源:95408

摘要:在经济全球化背景下,异质性团队的管理问题已成为理论研究及管理实践 中重要的议题,由组织成员创造力而形成产生的团队内创新绩效对组织的产出 及发展有着重要意义。文献研究表明,团队中员工每个人的异质性将对组织成 员的创造力和创新行为产生影响,从而对团队创新绩效发生作用。以中船重工(南京)鹏力电子公司为研究对象,主要从三种维度划分团队异质性,运用 CV 值和 Blau 系数测量公司 30 个团队成员的年龄异质性、司龄异质性和学历异质 性系数。再运用量表及问卷调查的方法来测量各个团队的创新绩效。通过团队 异质性系数和 spss 分析得出的创新绩效数据,再运用 spss 对数据进行整合和 分析,做出团队异质性三个维度分别与创新绩效的相关性分析和散点图。对与 团队异质性和创新绩效两个变量采取了不同的测量方法,有效避免了同源误差。 根据实际案例分析结果验证理论成立。并根据研究得出的结论得到对企业管理 策略的反思及改进意见。


The Influence of Team Heterogeneity on Organizational Innovation Performance

Abstract:In the context of economic globalization, the problem of heterogeneous team management has become an important topic in theoretical research and management practice. The innovation performance of the team created by the creativity of the organization is of great significance to the organization's output and development. The literature shows that the heterogeneity of each employee in the team will have an impact on the creativity and innovation of the members of the organization, thus affecting the team's innovation performance. The heterogeneity of the team was pided into three dimensions: CV and Blau coefficients were used to measure the age heterogeneity, age heterogeneity and age heterogeneity of the 30 team members in the shipbuilding industry (Nanjing) Pengli Electronics Co., Ltd. Academic heterogeneity coefficient. And then use the scale and questionnaire survey methods to measure the innovative performance of each team. Through the team heterogeneity coefficient and spss analysis of the innovative performance data, and then use spss data integration and analysis, to make the team heterogeneity of the three dimensions and innovation performance correlation analysis and scatter plot. There are different measurement methods for the two variables of team heterogeneity and innovation performance, which effectively avoid homology error. According to the actual case analysis results verify the establishment of the theory. And according to the conclusions drawn from the study of enterprise management strategies to reflect and improve the views.

Keywords:Heterogeneity;organization;innovation performance


0 引言 1

1 团队异质性与创新绩效关系的理论分析 2

1.1 相关概念界定 2

1.1.1 团队异质性 2

1.1.2 创新绩效 3

1.2 团队异质性与创新绩效关系研究理论 3

2 中船重工(南京)鹏力科技公司案例研究 5

2.1 公司简介 5

2.2 研究方法 5

2.2.1 测量及量表 6

2.2.2 问卷调查 10

2.3 研究结论 11

2.3.1 SPSS 分析结果 11

2.3.2 验证性结论 15 团队异质性对团队创新绩效的影响:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203879.html
