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时间:2024-05-18 11:05来源:95417



Analysis of the Sponsor 's Examination System

Abstract:The sponsor is a unique securities company in the current second panel market. This kind of securities company, the sponsor , is both the guarantor and the recommender. Sponsors are responsible for the listing of listed companies in the second panel market, and take on the guarantee responsibility of information disclosure of listed companies.,the sponsor’s examination system ,which plays a pivotal role in selecting sponsors in this process.The reasonable selection of sponsors, can effectively maintain the rights and interests of investors. Therefore, the use of strict sponsor access standards is a fair measure to safeguard the interests of investors, reasonable sponsor’s examination system is conducive to speed up the pace of securities market, so that the whole industry could develop better.

Keywords: sponsor system; securities; examination; guarantee

0引言 1

1保荐人考试制度概述 2

1.1保荐人制度相关概念 2

1.2保荐人考试制度在中国的产生与发展 2

1.3中国保荐人考试制度的主要内容 4

1.4保荐人考试制度与保荐人制度 5

2各国保荐人制度的比较 6

2.1英国AIM市场 7

2.2香港创业板市场 7

2.3美国纳斯达克市场 8

2.4国外/地区创业板市场保荐人制度总结 9

3我国保荐人考试制度的主要问题 9

3.1保荐代表人资格认证存在问题 9

3.2首次认证没有达到真正的目的 10

3.3保荐代表人资格考试缺乏合理性 10

3.4对保荐机构要求单一 11

4保荐人考试制度对于证券市场的作用 11

4.1改善投资者弱势地位 11

4.2有利于上市公司融资活动 11

4.3将券商和保荐人有机结合,形成相互制衡机制 12

5完善中国保荐人考试制度的建议 12

5.1优化保荐代表人选拔方式 12

5.1.1稳定考试制度 12

5.1.2建立保荐代表人多层次筛选制度 13

5.2提高保荐人及保荐代表人的违规成本 14

5.2.1改变侧重处罚保荐人的现象 保荐人考试制度分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203893.html
