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时间:2024-05-18 11:06来源:95418



The survey of private car owners’ purchase behavior on auto insurance

Abstract:With the economic development, more and more families to buy a private car, followed by this phenomenon is how to choose and buy auto insurance. This paper  aims to form a combination of questionnaires and interviews to study private car owners’ purchase behavior on auto insurance in Zhenjiang area. First of all, it analyzes the status of the vehicle insurance industry,introduces the definition and details of auto insurance . Secondly, it investigates private car owners’ basic information, the understanding of the auto insurance and the method of purchase, the satisfaction of  the insurance sales staff and the insurance companies. Thirdly, it investigates the owners who experienced car accidents and received the indemnity from the insurance company satisfaction of the attitude and speed of insurance company claims . Finally, it summarizes the needs, influencing factors about owners to buy auto insurance, links which need insurance company to improve and rational proposals which guide owners to buy auto insurance.

Keywords: private car owner; auto insurance; purchasing factors; requirement analysis

0引言 1

1私家车车险分析 2

1.1私家车车险险种 4

1.2我国车辆保险行业现状 2

1.3镇江保险公司私家车险业务现状 6

2基于镇江私家车险购买的调查分析 6

2.1问卷调查的总体描述 6

2.2调研数据的描述性分析 7

2.3镇江私家车险购买情况的总结 14

3私家车主购买车险的行为中存在的问题 15

3.1车主对车险了解较少 15

3.2车主投保时过分追求低价 16

3.3车主对“全险”的认知存在误区 16

4私家车主购买车险的建议 17

4.1仔细了解车险内容,认真挑选保险公司 17

4.2根据自身的情况,购买合适的险种 17

4.3小事故不出险,续保能优惠 18

结论 19

致谢 20

参考文献 21

附录 22



随着经济发展,人们的生活水平日益提高,人们对汽车的需求日益增长,汽车保有量保持迅速增加的势头。据公安部交管局统计,截止至2016年底,全国机动车保有量达2.9亿辆,其中私家车总量达1.46亿辆,平均每百户家庭拥有36辆。与此同时,财产车险保费也在迅速增长,2016年车险保费共6834亿元,同比增长10%,占财险公司总保费收入的74%。因此,调查私家车车主对车险的了解情况,找到影响车主购买车险的因素,分析目前私家车车险购买中存在的问题,并找出完善解决的方法,这不仅有利于车主找到最适合自己的车险及保险公司,更有利于我国财险公司不断完善自身的产品与服务,使车险及保险公司朝着更加积极健康的方向发展。 私家车车险购买行为调查:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203894.html
