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时间:2024-05-18 11:09来源:95419



A Study on the Impact of New Farmers' Insurance on the Life of Aged Farmers

Abstract:With the continuous increase of the rural population, the gradual change of family structure, the increasing burden of family pension, and the improvement of rural pension are particularly important. The new rural social endowment insurance system can only be better from the actual needs of farmers and the actual situation Play its social security role. Based on the above research purpose, this paper introduces the meaning of the new agricultural insurance system and the introduction of the new and old agricultural insurance,  and explains the status of the new agricultural insurance, payment and treatment in Huai'an area. Combined with the survey data of Yugou Town, The basic living conditions of the investigation and study, the effective understanding of the current new farmers  on the impact of aging farmers. Finally, from the new agricultural insurance system optimization design, the improvement of laws and regulations, the new farm security fund  asset allocation and other aspects of the new agricultural insurance system to better protect the lives of farmers to make some suggestions.

Keywords: New agricultural insurance; elderly Farmers' Life; Influencing Factors


0引言 1

1基本概念界定及理论基础 2

1.1新型农村社会养老保险 2

1.2新旧农保的区别 2

1.3相关理论基础 3

2淮安市新农保实施现状 4

2.1淮安市新农保实施总体状况 4

2.2淮安市新农保缴费与待遇计算 5

3新农保对老龄农民生活的影响-基于淮安市渔沟镇调查分析 7

3.1调查数据和区域情况说明 7

3.2老龄农民的基本生活情况 8

3.3新农保改善了老龄农民经济条件 12

3.4新农保降低了老龄农民对子女的依赖 13

3.5新农保短期内不会改变老龄农民的传统思想观念 14

3.6新农保提高了老龄农民生活水平 15

4完善新农保制度的建议 17

4.1优化新农保政策设计 17

4.2健全新农保法律法规体系 17

4.3完善新农保基金资产配置 17


