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时间:2024-05-28 22:56来源:95492
中小企业创新能力评价研究以加速度为例。美、德等西方发达国家的发展历史表明,一个国家经济的强大,不仅需要有 能走向世界的大企业,而且有成功的中小企业是必不可少的重要因

摘要:美、德等西方发达国家的发展历史表明,一个国家经济的强大,不仅需要有 能走向世界的大企业,而且有成功的中小企业是必不可少的重要因素之一。创新 是一个民族进步的灵魂和不竭的动力源泉,中小企业的发展有力的推动了科技创 新和经济的改革。随着经济的不断发展,创新能力日益成为中小企业核心竞争力 体现的重要因素。中小企业培训领航者易中公司的忠告是:企业的强大,不能靠 人,要靠流程。流程对于中小企业而言则是指在企业发展的各个方面。中小企业 的创新能力不能单纯的依靠企业的绩效来评价,创新各环节的研究评价对中小企 业创新能力评价更具有公平性。

本文首先简单介绍了中小企业的基本概念、特点、作用以及创新能力的评判 标准,对我国目前中小企业创新的现状进行了一定程度的了解。其次,运用 Chiesa 和 Yam 提出的企业创新能力评价框架体系,从中调查研究选择了 3 个维度评价 “加速度”的创新能力,并采用层次分析法描述 3 个指标之间的联系,得出影响 “加速度”创新流程的最主要因素,并给出相应的建议。最后,本文得出提高中 小企业的创新能力应该要从企业自身、政府的支持以及其他相关行业三个方面进 行改进。


Abstract:The history of the developed countries such as the United States and Germany shows that a country's economy is strong, not only need to be able to go to the world's large enterprises, but also a successful small and medium enterprises is one of the essential factors. Innovation is the soul of national progress and inexhaustible power source, the development of small and medium enterprises to promote the scientific and technological innovation and economic reform. With the continuous development of economy, innovation ability has become an important factor in the core competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises. SME training pilot Yi Zhong company's advice is: the enterprise's strong, can not rely on people, to rely on the process. The innovation ability of small and medium-sized enterprises can not simply rely on the performance of enterprises to evaluate, the evaluation of innovation process evaluation of SME innovation ability is more fair.

This paper firstly briefly introduces the basic concepts, characteristics, functions and evaluation criteria of small and medium-sized enterprises, and makes a certain degree of understanding of the present situation of innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises in China. Secondly, using the innovation system of enterprise innovation capability proposed by Chiesa and Yam, the three  dimensions are used to evaluate the innovation ability of "acceleration", and the relationship between the three indexes is described by AHP, and the influence of "acceleration "The most important factor in the innovation process, and give the corresponding recommendations. Finally, this paper concludes that improving the innovation capability of small and medium-sized enterprises should be improved from the three aspects of the enterprise itself, the government's support and other related industries.

Keywords:Small and medium-sized enterprise innovation; innovation    ability evaluation framework; analytic hierarchy process; acceleration;

目 录

1、 绪论 .. 1 

1.1 研究意义. 1 

1.2 国内研究现状  2 

1.3 国外研究现状. 3 

2、基本理论综述 ... 4 

2.1 中小企业. 4 

2.2 中小企业的特点... 4 

2.3 中小企业的作用... 5 

2.4 创新能力. 6 

2.5 创新能力评价. 7  中小企业创新能力评价研究以加速度为例:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204053.html
